Betting limits: Varies
Fees: 1%
Jul 29, 2020

Bitzillions is an online cryptocoin casino. According to the dev team of the platform "Using the power of cryptography, our games of chance generate truly random results which the player can verify themself." Also, the casino provides fully Anonymity. The players can use it without the official registration. In addition, it's got a good-looking design and support service. 

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Morgan 23 October 2020

The service was trying to delete my profile. I'm serious, I can't login but after I could do that I see that all my activities have been vansihed. What is that?

Radio 21 October 2020

Does it work? Because I really doubt it, I can't even start to gamble. The service blocks all my actions. It's strange

Samara 23 August 2020

The design is really convinient but some of the button could have worked better. I used to face some strange errors and pendings.

Betting limits: Varies
Fees: 1%
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