Despite a certain decrease in the popularity and demand for digital coins, many users continue to use them actively. This is favored by the specific features and capabilities of cryptocurrencies. Often there is a need to exchange one type of crypto for another coin. What to do? In this article, we will consider one of the best solutions for the cryptocurrency exchange - Changelly. Is it safe enough and worth trying? Is Changelly legal? Is Changelly scam? All of these questions will be answered in this article.
تم إطلاق بورصة BitMax ومقرها سنغافورة في 2018. حاليا ، يتم التبادل في منتصف أعلى 100 من خلال حجمه المعدل. لا تحتوي البورصة على ودائع أو سحوبات فيات. توفر المنصة مخططات عالية للتخصيص ، مما يجعل من الممكن إجراء تحليل مفصل لظروف السوق.