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مراجعة Bikkex 2021 - هل هي آمنة؟

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Grade points: 0.00
Expert Review
Apr 06, 2021
Our Score
Functionality 3 / 5
Reputation 3 / 5
Security 3 / 5
Support 3 / 5
Fees 3 / 5
Our Score
3 / 5
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User reviews
Rachelle Loiseau 16 July 2021

Say this with so much joy I just got my money back, All Thanks to Asset Secure Ltd

Lloyd 7 July 2021

they stole my 29,000 to all of you losing less be grateful, i did not even it was possible to get my money back for over 2 months till i reported them to asset secure ltd to them so they can close down this site

EPHRAIM 1 July 2021

Withdraw History
Wallet Address Amount Status / Date Comment
USDT 0x922bdb0cf9425b096db89dc4550b0810cf371c30 6669.214 Pending Withdraw
USDT 0x922bdb0cf9425b096db89dc4550b0810cf371c30 1600.036 Pending Withdraw
USDT 0x922bdb0cf9425b096db89dc4550b0810cf371c30 3759.118 01.07.2021 11:54:17 Withdraw
USDT 0x922bdb0cf9425b096db89dc4550b0810cf371c30 465.0265 01.07.2021 10:28:03 Withdraw
USDT 0x922bdb0cf9425b096db89dc4550b0810cf371c30 460 01.07.2021 09:52:40 Withdraw
USDT 0x922bdb0cf9425b096db89dc4550b0810cf371c30 453.65 01.07.2021 08:39:46 Withdraw

EPHRAIM 1 July 2021

This is pure scam guys, dont even dare

Matias Melo 1 July 2021

They are an scamers! they stolen my money, I wanted to transfer from bikkex to my wallet but the coins never arrived it. I claimed many times but didnt have any answer . They stolen my money! i hope other peopple dont deposit money there. they will stolen them !!!

Mobile app: -
Grade points: 0.00
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