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مراجعة Bikkex 2021 - هل هي آمنة؟

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Grade points: 0.00
Expert Review
Apr 06, 2021
Our Score
Functionality 3 / 5
Reputation 3 / 5
Security 3 / 5
Support 3 / 5
Fees 3 / 5
Our Score
3 / 5
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User reviews
Mahendra P 18 September 2021

Bikkex this is bloody bastard one of the cyber crime gand on technology, in hong kang the theap country effect of China.

Camille 29 August 2021

They Are Very Irresponsible Scammers.
£ 5000 was stuck with them and i was told by their support to upgrade my adding more money to the account to enable withdrawal ...
i reported to ASSETSECURELTD they requested for a few information which i provided and i was refunded in 10days ..
report to them , they will get your money back

yiğit özkul 6 August 2021

i found a way in my country to recover this i am trying it now I contacted all the rescue companies abroad, they are all fake I was informed that everyone should be sued through their own Country. but I have a request from you. If you have been scammed, write down the addresses you sent money to here because these can be collected and used as evidence later on. The first thing they will ask you is whether other people send money to this address in legal ways. You can even post screenshots

yiğit özkul 6 August 2021

this is scam

Swanand 1 August 2021

It is a big scam. The portal is false. Very unsafe. I could get the result with a small amount. Thank god I tried with a small amount.

Mobile app: -
Grade points: 0.00
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