Decred is currently based on cryptocurrency Blake 256 protocol.
You can check Decred's market cap and volume on widget of our partner.
Also you can see the latest DCR price on You can leave your feedback and reviews about Decred cryptocurrency here.
MediBloc (MED) currently employs its own mainnet and serves as the coin of the MediBloc blockchain designed for healthcare services. Originally started as the digital assets based on [QRC20] and [ERC20], the MediBloc cryptocurrency swapped to its own mainnet as (MED). The MED coin pairs with cryptos on a few exchanges and can be traded against the Korean Won on the Korbit exchange.
Golem is currently based on cryptocurrency Ethereum protocol.
You can check Golem's market cap and volume on widget of our partner.
Also you can see the latest GNT price on You can leave your feedback and reviews about Golem cryptocurrency here.