
Jan 25, 2021
What Changes Does Blockchain Bring to Sports Betting?

Originally created to facilitate the world's first decentralized currency blockchain technology has since evolved and grown beyond the realm of digital money. Now a major field of study in most major universities it is a technology that will continue to reshape the way we do business and potentially...

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Jun 01, 2020
Why Does The Speed In Blockchain Transactions Matter?

Have you ever asked yourself why blockchain is still not a regular part of our lives? Big companies are investing money in blockchain research, they implement blockchain solutions, smart and successful people talk about DLT (distributed ledger technologies) as something revolutionary, we hear that the...

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May 18, 2020
Blockchain and the Future of Urbanism - Expert Opinion

Have you ever heard of "smart cities"? That's what blockchain technology applied in the urbanism sphere is going to give us. The light bulbs won't waste energy when no one is around. The drivers won't waste time on the search for a vacant parking space, as the system will provide available options to...

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May 07, 2020
لماذا نحتاج بلوكشين? مراجعة فضيحة سياسة استرداد تيكت ماستر

اليوم سنتحدث عن سلبيات الخدمات المركزية التي يديرها الإنسان في سياق التغييرات الأخيرة في سياسة استرداد الأموال الفاضحة. ما الذي حصل؟ لماذا نحتاج إلى حلول بلوكتشين? بائعي تذاكر بلوكتشين الحاليين خاتمة ما الذي حصل؟ نظرا لأن الأحداث العامة قد تكون خطيرة بسبب خطر الإصابة بكوفيد 19 ، فقد تم حظر...

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Apr 23, 2020
Blockshow November 2019: Briefly About The Key Points

14 - 15 November, Singapore hosted one of the largest innovative events in the field of blockchain - Blockshow Asia 2019. An incredible number of interesting speakers were invited to make this event worthwhile. This year over 100 influential speakers from around the world were invited to the blockshow...

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Apr 20, 2020
Bitcoin's Mission - The Role of the Crisis of 2008

It's too early to say that Bitcoin is something that everyone understands clearly. Mass adoption of Bitcoin is also yet to happen. Nevertheless, there is no mistake in saying that Bitcoin became a bright international sensation that provoked many people (big businessmen and developers among them) to...

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Apr 20, 2020
ما هي اللامركزية-مزايا الأنظمة اللامركزية

لقد دخلت العملات المشفرة إلى عالمنا مصحوبة بالعديد من المفاهيم المحورية واللامركزية هي واحدة منها. هذا المصطلح ليس جديدا. ما هو أفضل بالنسبة لنا, اللامركزية أو المركزية? لقرون كانت هذه المناقشة السياسية موضوعا ساخنا. يرتبط هذا السؤال بالأساس الأساسي لمجتمعات الناس ومع العديد من جوانب حياتنا. هل نحتاج...

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Apr 20, 2020
Pros and Cons of Decentralized Exchanges: Why DEXs Are Barely Used?

So many people speak of how good decentralized exchanges are, and so few actually use them. By some accounts, as of January of 2019, the trade volume of decentralized exchanges reached only 0.25% of the combined trading volume of all crypto exchanges. At the same time, if you are no stranger to Reddit...

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