
Apr 22, 2020
Pump & Dump scheme: ParallelCoin has risen 400.000% during 1 day

The price of the token soared from $ 1.5 to $ 6000, a similar increase can be associated with the use of the Pump & Dump scheme. Coin ParallelCoin on the C-Patex exchange has risen 6.000 times during the day. There was no news or announcements from developers or representatives of the cryptocurrency....

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Apr 22, 2020
The largest BitMEX cryptocurrency exchange has leaked user data

The largest exchange of Bitcoin derivatives BitMEX has a user data leak. Some users received emails containing the email addresses of other platform clients. Representatives of the exchange assured that they took "immediate action" to fix the problem. The scale of the leak has not yet been reported. Some...

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Apr 22, 2020
14 Answers To The Question: How to get your first Bitcoin?

Against the backdrop of the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin, in particular, we offer you to get acquainted with the ways to earn the first cryptocurrency! However, let's start with some basics on what Bitcoin is and what is the essence of its technology. Where was it started? “Bitcoin...

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Apr 22, 2020
Tether transferred 300 million USDT to Ethereum blockchain

The largest by capitalization altcoin came out on top in stablecoin reserves, ahead of the Omni system on which it was originally based. Tether transferred 300 million USDT tokens from Omni to the Ethereum blockchain. Token migration was carried out with the participation of an unnamed third party....

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Apr 21, 2020
XRP outstrips Bitcoin and Ethereum in the number of transactions

The share of altcoin from Ripple in the total number of transactions with cryptocurrencies exceeded 50%. The XRP occupied over 50% of all cryptocurrency transactions, the Ripple asset went around Ethereum and Bitcoin in this indicator. The number of operations with XRP approached a historic high of...

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Apr 21, 2020
The price of the Noah Coin token instantly soared by 1500%

A few hours ago, trading volumes of the little-known altcoin did not exceed $ 200, but now this figure is about $ 144 thousand!   What is NOAH Coin? NOAH Coin is an ERC-20-based token of the digital NOAH platform, which is supported by the Ethereum blockchain. The total number of coins is limited...

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Apr 21, 2020
من صفر إلى مليون: التوقعات الأكثر جرأة لسعر صرف البيتكوين

ال بيتكوين بدأ سعر الصرف في النمو بنشاط في السعر في فبراير. ثم تضاعفت قيمة العملة لأول مرة إلى 6 6.000, ثم فعل ذلك مرة أخرى, وتعيين الحد الأقصى المحلي $ 13.700. الآن يتم تداول العملة المشفرة الأولى عند حوالي 9.500 دولار ، ولكن وفقا للتوقعات ، لن تقوم فقط بتحديث الحد الأقصى التاريخي ولكنها ستتجاوزه عشرات...

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Apr 21, 2020
From rages to riches: Will Bitcoin destroy banks in 10 years?

Davy Rudt, one of the specialists of the Efficient Group, said that cryptocurrency will soon displace traditional currency from circulatiofin and destroy banks. Is it truly so? In fact, such a scenario has a right to exist. Changes in the financial system are inevitable, and all because of the mismatch...

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Apr 21, 2020
Top 10 cryptos: Rating of the most expensive cryptocurrencies or where to invest now?

Today only the laziest person has not heard of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology due to the activity of the media and social networks. CoinMarketCap rating is regularly updated with brand-new coins and tokens. Nevertheless, there is one important point that investors need to take into account...

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Apr 21, 2020
Politics and manipulation:  How Ethereum Futures Will Affect Altcoin?

American financial regulators announced their readiness to approve a new cryptocurrency derivative. Will Ethereum reach its historical maximum or the price will dramatically drop? Let’s take a look now. Ethereum Futures Heath Tarbert, Chairman of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC),...

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Apr 21, 2020
كيفية استخدام جيتهوب-دليل المستخدم الكامل 2022

في الجزء الأول من المراجعة، ناقشنا نظرة عامة على جيتهوب والخدمات التي تقدمها المنصة. في هذه المقالة ، سوف نتعمق في كيفية استخدام جيتهوب مع التركيز على محفظتها ومنصة التبادل الخاصة بها.  جيتهوب هي واحدة من منصات التشفير الشعبية التي كانت موجودة منذ فترة وبنيت مع تموج (زرب) التكنولوجيا. هذا يجعلها واحدة...

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Apr 20, 2020
How To Use Poloniex Exchange - The Full Poloniex Tutorial

Poloniex is one of the best-known cryptocurrency exchanges. It was founded back in 2014. The platform is based in the US. It is safe to say that Poloniex was among the crypto companies that have set the standards of the modern-day centralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Many of the features provided by...

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Apr 20, 2020
Bitcoin's Mission - The Role of the Crisis of 2008

It's too early to say that Bitcoin is something that everyone understands clearly. Mass adoption of Bitcoin is also yet to happen. Nevertheless, there is no mistake in saying that Bitcoin became a bright international sensation that provoked many people (big businessmen and developers among them) to...

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Apr 20, 2020
Proof of Work Explained: Pros and Cons of PoW

Consensus algorithms are an inherent part of all blockchain-based technologies as there is no authority unit supposed to validate the network's transactions. Consensus algorithms are here to provide the decentralized trouble proof functioning of the network. We can't underestimate the significance of...

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Apr 20, 2020
ما هي اللامركزية-مزايا الأنظمة اللامركزية

لقد دخلت العملات المشفرة إلى عالمنا مصحوبة بالعديد من المفاهيم المحورية واللامركزية هي واحدة منها. هذا المصطلح ليس جديدا. ما هو أفضل بالنسبة لنا, اللامركزية أو المركزية? لقرون كانت هذه المناقشة السياسية موضوعا ساخنا. يرتبط هذا السؤال بالأساس الأساسي لمجتمعات الناس ومع العديد من جوانب حياتنا. هل نحتاج...

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Apr 20, 2020
Bitfinex Shareholder: Tether to Issue a Yuan-Pegged Stablecoin

According to prominent OTC trader and Bitfinex shareholder Zhao Dong, Tether plans to launch a new renminbi-pegged currency. The new currency (CNHT) will be backed by Chinese yuans kept offshore. Dong has also stated that the new currency will be issued "in the near future" and the first investor in...

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Apr 20, 2020
6 Things You Shouldn’t Do When You Trade Crypto In 2020

Cryptocurrency made headlines in late 2017, at this point, many people got involved in asset trading for the first time in their lives buying bitcoins. At the very same time, all of them did their first quite common mistake – they bought Bitcoin for the incredibly high price. Cryptocurrencies have paved...

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Apr 20, 2020
5 أشياء يجب مراعاتها عند اختيار عملة بديلة للاستثمار في عام 2020

قبل عامين ، في عام 2017 ، استثمر الناس في العملة المشفرة والإيكو بحماس شديد لدرجة أنه لم يزعجهم كثيرا ما كانوا يدفعون مقابله بالضبط. كان السوق ينمو ، وكانت الأسعار في ارتفاع ، وبدا أن كل ذلك سيستمر إلى الأبد. حسنا ، بالنسبة لمعظم العملات البديلة وعروض العملات الأولية ، لم يحدث ذلك. الآن ، في عام 2020...

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Apr 20, 2020
Pros and Cons of Decentralized Exchanges: Why DEXs Are Barely Used?

So many people speak of how good decentralized exchanges are, and so few actually use them. By some accounts, as of January of 2019, the trade volume of decentralized exchanges reached only 0.25% of the combined trading volume of all crypto exchanges. At the same time, if you are no stranger to Reddit...

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