Uphold logo
Uphold logo


国家: USA
推出日期: 2015
网站: uphold.sjv.io
Security: Third Party Encrypted
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Easy
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: 2 Factor Authentication
Platforms: Web, iOS, Android
ValidationType: Centralized
Apr 01, 2021

有大量不同的加密平台可以非常方便地使用。 但其中有多少人提供加密货币,国家货币和金属之间的交易? 今天我们将回顾 - 坚持,最多功能的加密服务之一。 在那里存放资金安全吗? 它是一个可靠的服务还是一个骗局? 我们将在本文中回顾所有这些问题。

  1. 什么是Uphold?
  2. 特点
  3. 维护费用
  4. 如何开始使用Uphold
  5. 如何使用Uphold
    - 验证
    - 如何存款维护
    - 如何退出Uphold
  6. 客户服务
  7. Uphold安全吗?
  8. 结论


Uphold是一个多资产平台,允许用户存储,购买和转换各种加密资产。 该系统不仅支持30加密货币(和公用事业令牌),还允许您兑换27国家货币和4贵金属。

这款数字钱包旨在快速轻松地存储资产,向世界各地的其他用户发送资金,并立即兑换货币。 Uphold采用100%冗余模式,从自有资金中以1:1的比例补贴所有用户资产。 


该服务于2015年推出,并在美国和欧洲获得许可。 在运营期间,该平台为价值超过40亿美元的交易提供资金。 对于那些喜欢使用受监管网站的人来说,这是一个优势。 现在,该平台在180多个国家/地区提供服务,并支持超过30加密和法定货币。

Uphold将平台应用模式与支付连接相结合,为全球市场提供金融服务。 创建Uphold支付服务的目的是保护用户免受波动的市场影响,让他们有机会立即,盈利和安全地将数字货币转换为美元,欧元和其他法定货币。

该服务不仅适用于PC,而且适用于 IOS安卓系统. 该平台被翻译成6种语言,包括西班牙语,意大利语和土耳其语。 不幸的是,目前还没有中文和俄文翻译。


正如前面提到的那样,该网站作为加密货币和法定货币的虚拟钱包。 也许这是竞争对手的主要优势之一。 此外,用户不仅可以将该应用程序用作移动钱包,还可以将各种法定货币兑换为加密货币,如BTC,BCH,LTC,ETH等。




  • 支持各种流行的加密货币,法定货币和贵金属;
  • 许可证可用性;
  • 易于打开和使用;
  • 适用于Android和iOS的移动应用程序;
  • 双因素身份验证;
  • 轻松转账到Uphold系统内的用户。


  • 账户充值的方法取决于用户的居住地;
  • 每当您购买或兑换货币时,都会收取转换费。

该服务还为所有货币提供虚拟万事达卡。 这意味着即使您拥有专属的加密货币帐户,货币也可以用于在商店购买。


根据官方网站上的信息,Uphold不是免费服务。 该服务不收取交易,取款和存款的任何佣金。 但是,您将支付某些活动的费用,例如将资金提取到加密网络上的私人钱包,或通过少数国家/地区的Swift网络向银行付款。 Uphold还包括您购买的任何资产价格的小点差。



  • 提款:$2.50(每笔交易)
  • 国际提款:per3.50(每笔交易)
  • 国内购买:免费
  • 外汇:免费


  • 最高消费:每个da$10,000
  • 现金提取:每天$1,500
  • 每次交易取现:$500。 


注册非常简单,只需要几分钟。 注册过程包括3个简单步骤。 要开始使用,请单击右上角的"注册"。 


在打开的窗口中,输入您的电子邮件地址,密码,选择您的个人帐户(个人),国家和省的状态。 密码必须至少包含8个字符,一个大写,一个小写,一个数字或一个特殊字符。 完成后,接受Uphold的服务条款和隐私政策,然后单击"下一步"。


在提供的表格中,您需要注明您的全名,出生日期和电话号码。 填写行后,确认您的个人信息是正确的,然后按"下一步"。


Uphold将向您发送验证电子邮件至提供的地址。 要更进一步,您需要转到您的电子邮件地址,找到消息并激活您的帐户。



就是这样! 您已成功注册,现在所有功能都为您打开。


在主屏幕上,您可以看到具有可用和开放资产的卡片。 要添加一个新的,点击"添加卡/货币"按钮,并在下拉列表中选择所需的资产。




确认文件的验证也不需要很长时间。 该服务由第三方服务提供,所有数据分别由验证服务存储。

使用移动电话进行验证。 系统将提示您使用手机扫描QR码,所有进一步的操作将在其中进行。 您可以阅读以下要求:

  • 自拍手机相机自拍
  • 两面的身份证件照片(护照,驾驶执照,身份证)

一旦提供并发送所有信息,您需要等待几分钟。 如果一切顺利,您将看到验证状态。




还有选择用加密货币充值。 要做到这一点,你需要选择一个加密货币,并生成一个地址,你将资金发送到。


要提取资金,您需要点击右上角的"添加资金",然后在打开的菜单中选择"使用资金"。 在这里,您需要选择提取资金的方法(银行卡,银行账户,加密钱包等)。). 




Uphold关心客户,并努力在任何时间提供支持。 但是,大多数用户可能感兴趣的问题的答案都是由服务收集的。 帮助中心. 每个人都可以使用关键字查找用户感兴趣的主题的所有引用。

如果您无法找到问题的答案,那么您可以 提交请求 并以给出的形式提供所有细节。 通常情况下,客户支持的响应不会超过几个小时。


Uphold使用各种安全措施来保护用户的资产。 Uphold平台信息安全监控中心每天24小时监控自己的系统,以检测和防止可疑活动。 Uphold还声称其员工经过严格的安全检查,例如彻底的背景调查。 团队成员还必须对所有管理帐户使用双因素身份验证。

为了提供额外的安全性,Uphold系统为用户提供双因素身份验证(2fa),因此他们可以为其帐户设置额外的保护层。 启用2fa后,用户每次输入帐户或请求提款时都必须提供一次性密码。 密码仅在用户的移动设备上生成。 如果黑客无法访问帐户所有者的设备,则无法入侵帐户。 私钥由Uphold存储。 有些人不喜欢不让客户持有密钥的服务,但是,这些服务通常比个人拥有更多的资源来保护这些密钥。 当平台为用户存储密钥时,没有单一的意见是好的。 所有用户私钥都经过加密,以防止黑客攻击。

Uphold受美国财政部和美国财政部金融犯罪部门的监管,在欧洲,Uphold与授权支付研究所合作,该机构向美国金融监管局报告。 由于Uphold是受监管的金融服务提供商,它还必须实施反洗钱措施。 以上所有因素都证明Uphold不是骗局。 更重要的是,如果启用2fa并且仔细使用钱包,那么赔钱的机会很少。 服务受到监管的事实意味着在遇到麻烦的情况下,公司不会随着用户的钱而消失。 

然而,有些人声称Uphold无论如何都是一个骗局。 看来,有时有银行和维护应用于用户资金的行动之间缺乏一致性。 Uphill上的交易被银行阻止,用户将Uphill归咎于此。 希望这个问题在未来得到解决。


Uphold是结合了易用性和信息和有用工具的高水平保护的服务之一。 该平台提供广泛的功能,适用于Pc和移动设备。 这项服务适用于新手和经验丰富的用户,他们重视他们的时间和高水平的数据保护。

Security 5 / 5
Support 4 / 5
Ease of use 5 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Fees 4 / 5
4.4 / 5
Pros and Cons





在这里留下您关于 Uphold 的评论。 请注意,您的反馈对于用户在选择产品时可能至关重要,因此请尽量避免不正确和不合理的批判。



Gaby Palmer 6 February 2021

Stay away from Uphold, far away! I have transferred xrp from coinbase to uphold yesterday morning. First a smaller amount which went through right away, then a large amount, which took a few hours. As soon as it was available, they restricted my account from withdrawing the funds to my bank account. They requested employers name and address, which I don't have since i am self employed, screenshot of bank account or coinbase account and annual income. I have no idea for what they need all this information as I am not applying for a loan, but just want MY MONEY. I sent everything promptly though, but it is not their business to ask me for my annual income and all that stuff to get MY money that was only transferred to uphold so I can withdraw it, since coinbase did suspend xrp. I need this money asap or I would have never sold my xrp. I have not received any further reply to my many inquiries. I cannot wait 5 or 6 days with a daily withdraw limit of $10K. This would take an eternity to get all my money. I am losing out on some big deals. Had I known this before that I have to go through so many time consuming emails and stuff, I would have sent my xrp to another wallet and already have the funds by now. I do not recommend this site, never had any withdraw problems of large amounts at coinbase. After I sent my negative review on Trustpilot someone responded, telling me it's the law for security reasons. If that was the case,
t hey would not be able to allow me trading my money for coins either. I am only restricted to withdraw to my bank account, not from buying coins to make them money. This seems to be just an excuse to make some interest on other people's money for a few days. Very shady and immoral to say the least. I will warn everyone to sign up with them and tell them about this experience. I have traded in other venues and never experienced anything like this.

28 hours later no update at all. Keeping my account locked so I cannot withdraw my money. Emotional stress, loss of opportunities, wasted time. Stay away from this site. It seems like they do this with everyone who transfers big money from another wallet to their wallet. This is how they earn interest on peoples money. It is unlawful to ask me for a screenshot of my bank account and yearly income as i am not applying for a mortgage or loan. I just need MY MONEY to be released. It is not Their money, but mine and they have no right to keep it. I will call a lawyer on Monday to see what my options are. One should think that info they request, should be requested upfront when people open an account with them, not later when people transfer money, so they can give you a illegit reason to freeze your money. I am predicting this company won't last long as those reviews spread like a wildfire and once everyone know how you operate and keep people's money locked up, no one will sign up with you any more. I wish I had read these reviews before I signed up. Big regrets and I urge everyone who had or has the same negative experience like I and many others have, spread the word, so they can't do this to other people any more.

12 April 2021
Hey Gaby, I'm in the same situation as you. I put over $10,000 in Uphold and they pulled the same shit on me. They closed my account randomly after I been using them for years. They sent me some generic message about getting my money back in 65 days. This is the perfect scam to pull once an asset goes up. They are profiting from the interest of your money and holding it hostage. Its a straight up scam!
6 March 2021
Same thing happened to me but thankfully I only invested $55.00. I did not have a good experience with Voyager either so I am skeptical with any crypto platform now that Is not Coinbase, Kraken, or a well known site like them. I invested in both Uphold and Voyager platforms because of well known crypto You-tubers who recommended them. But Uphold is even far worse than Voyager. I let Youube site Digital Perspectives know that I and many others have been ripped off by Uphold so I do not know why he keeps recommending them on his YouTube site?
17 February 2021
Same here only I have a little $700 Locke away in their scam vaults. Really regret using uphold at all! Beware everyone!
Thomas Braughton 4 February 2021

My XRP is locked in my account and cannot get any answers from Uphold.

Markus 17 January 2021

It's a downside, that I didn't find a support here. It needs to be added.

Matias 10 January 2021

I've sent the money 5 days ago and it is not still there, I'm frustrated.

Michael Madsen 7 January 2021

Not very user friendly, unexplained lock-outs to YOUR money, and worst of all....NO SUPPORT LINE. They are responsible for keeping your crypto and fiat safe, yet you can't call them, You MAY get a response to a message in a very vague amount of time. After I rip my money from their hands, I am done with them.

国家: USA
推出日期: 2015
网站: uphold.sjv.io
Security: Third Party Encrypted
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Easy
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: 2 Factor Authentication
Platforms: Web, iOS, Android
ValidationType: Centralized

List of coins

Cryptonator是一个多币种数字资产钱包。 值得一提的是,Cryptonator也接受法定货币。 它是一个具有资产交换内置功能的软件热钱包。 由于钱包(特别是热钱包)受到众多黑客攻击和网络钓鱼,在开始使用之前了解Cryptonator是否安全非常重要。 以下审查将有助于做出正确的决定。
SpectroCoin是基于网络的加密多币种钱包,最初于2013年成立为加密货币交易所。SpectroCoin提供多种付款方式,并提供适用于商店和ATM的原始预付VISA借记卡。 SpectroCoin的其他功能是货币兑换平台,并为商家提供支付解决方案。该钱包可在150个国家/地区使用。与美国居民相比,SpectroCoin钱包对欧盟用户而言更为方便。支持的加密货币是比特币,达世币,以太坊,莱特币,Ripple,Tether等。此外,用户可以存储30种法定货币(美元,欧元等)。支持的加密货币总数为14。
ZebPay是一家来自印度的加密货币钱包,成立于2015年。 由于支持的货币很少,钱包对于那些刚刚开始使用加密货币并且不想与所有不同的硬币和令牌混淆的人来说很容易使用。 钱包支持多重签名技术,并具有了解您的客户程序,提高了用户资金的安全性。