Argent是一个数字加密货币非托管钱包,作为移动银行工作。 钱包建立在以太坊区块链上。 它具有开源架构。 支持的资产包括Ethererum和80+基于以太坊的代币。
钱包有4种语言版本。 除了发送和接收交易外,Argent还允许借贷和投资加密。 钱包可以通过纸质备份恢复。 访问详细信息存储在用户侧。 人们可以设置每日限制并使用生物识别技术保护访问。 与应用程序集成的复合协议使每年赚取利息。
该钱包注册为Argent Labs Limited,在英格兰和威尔士注册。 它的开发人员遍布欧洲。
I've never seen anything before, but it allows to borrow the money. Cool feature.
It's really simple to use. A couple of clicks and I'm ready to deposit and withdraw.
Argent wallet provides the possibility to trade a bit, but this function doesn't work well.
The laconic design makes the website very good-looking. Apart from that, the wallet is more or less fine.
A good choices for ETH funds, it's got an easy way to deposit and withdraw the money.