The Kimera platform provides access to selected cryptocurrencies on a shared policy and multi-signature level.
Agama钱包由Komodo开发,Komodo是一个多链区块链平台,自2014以来一直在营业。 2019年3月,一次偷袭影响了Agama钱包,因此Komodo OceanQT钱包已成为Komodo平台的官方和原生钱包。
Ledger HW1 is currently a deprecated Ledger hardware wallet. You can find reviews of working Ledger wallets on our website.
Ledger Nano S钱包是Ledger公司的旗舰产品,自2014以来一直在该行业使用。 全球销售超过150万台。
Ledger Nano X is a hardware wallet designed for secure transactions with crypto assets, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, ERC20 tokens, and other coins. Ledger Nano X supports 26 coins and over 1500 tokens in total.
Lisk Nano Wallet was discontinued back in November 2018. As an alternative option at the time, the Lisk team offered Lisk Mobile. By now, the team has come up with a full-fledged Lisk wallet that is available across desktop and mobile platforms.
Litecoin Core is a secure open-source software solely used to manage Litecoin digital currency and a full-node client. It is recommended for advanced users.
LiteVault is an online open-source Litecoin wallet. Its Twitter media saw the last update in September 2018 and the website is not likely to have new announcements posted.
Litewallet是为iOS和Android构建的Litecoin钱包。 它可以在Apple App Store和Play商店免费下载。
LOBSTR是加密货币市场上最早的XLM钱包之一,成立于2014年,并在白俄罗斯正式注册。 LOBSTR钱包由Ultra Stellar,LLC提供,Ultra Stellar,LLC是一个与Stellar开发基金会无关的独立商业实体。 LOBSTR几乎可以被称为移动小工具最方便的钱包,因为它是一个易于使用的移动钱包,具有吸引力的界面。 通过LOBSTR钱包,您可以轻松发送和接收Stellar。 舒适而简单的用户界面非常适合初学者,因为您可以快速浏览它。
Lumi open-source crypto wallet provides mobile versions for both Android and iOS platforms as well as the web version. The wallet powers transactions with multiple coins, including exchange transactions. The service was launched in late 2017.
Lykke Wallet is the product of the eponymous crypto exchange. The mobile wallet has both Android and iOS versions whereas its online version is available for desktop platforms.
Magnum Wallet is a multicurrency non-custodial wallet service. Designed for those who wish to manage their crypto portfolio in a secure and convenient interface, it also lets the user earn rewards through staking or by claiming forks and bounty airdrops. As part of their “Multiply Your Funds” paradigm, the team is always on the lookout for new ways to benefit the users. Combined with the multitude of supported coins & tokens, exchange capabilities and support of hardware wallets, this makes Magnum the all-in-one cryptocurrency wallet.
总部设在新加坡,满足。一个是为Android和iOS设计的移动EOS钱包。 相遇。一个在EOS开发者社区非常活跃。 它已经成功地在社区测试网络中启动了第一个自动化BiOS启动过程。
Mercuryo是在爱沙尼亚推出的多币种和多功能加密钱包。 钱包能够存储,发送和销售以下货币:BTC,ETH,USDT,TRX,OKB,ALGO和USDC。 除了加密货币钱包外,该公司还提供Mercuryo预付VISA卡,被全球4000多万商家接受。
MetaMask是一个开源的多加密货币钱包,是基于以太坊的去中心化应用程序的门户。由于该钱包是为与以太坊区块链一起使用而设计的,因此可以理解,它仅支持以太币和ERC20令牌。此钱包旨在让用户最大程度地控制其数据和资产,并且不存储其用户的数据和资产。 MetaMask是一个移动应用程序,但是需要桌面版本的用户可以使用MetaMask浏览器扩展。它可用于Chrome,Brave和Firefox浏览器。