网站: magnumwallet.co
Security: Personal
Anonymity: High
Ease of use: Easy
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: Open Source
Platforms: Web, Windows, Mac OS, Android
Source code URL: https://github.com/magnumwallet
ValidationType: SPV
Sep 01, 2020

Magnum Wallet is a multicurrency non-custodial wallet service. Designed for those who wish to manage their crypto portfolio in a secure and convenient interface, it also lets the user earn rewards through staking or by claiming forks and bounty airdrops. As part of their “Multiply Your Funds” paradigm, the team is always on the lookout for new ways to benefit the users. Combined with the multitude of supported coins & tokens, exchange capabilities and support of hardware wallets, this makes Magnum the all-in-one cryptocurrency wallet.

Key Features:

  • Blockchain Agnostic: 60+ major coins (BTC, XRP, LTC, NEO, XTZ, NEM, etc.), Ethereum (ERC-20), TRON Network (TRC-10, TRC-20), and Binance Chain (BEP2) tokens. Check out the full list here.

  • In-App Exchange: a selection of integrated exchange tools (Changelly, CoinSwitch, Binance DEX, etc.)

  • Hardware Wallets: integration of Ledger and Trezor devices including exchange capabilities.

  • Ultimate Security: in addition to industry-standard encryption, no personal information is collected or stored.

  • Passive Income: staking, delegation and similar capabilities in Tezos, Callisto, and other networks.

  • Forks & Bounties: claiming forks of Bitcoin and Ethereum in a single click and regular bounty campaigns.

  • Feature-Rich: watch-only mode, notifications on Telegram, portfolio value in fiat currencies, and lots more.


在这里留下您关于 Magnum Wallet 的评论。 请注意,您的反馈对于用户在选择产品时可能至关重要,因此请尽量避免不正确和不合理的批判。



Nyah Feeney 4 November 2021

I like the wide range of supported coins + staking. There were no problems, but something is missing in it.

网站: magnumwallet.co
Security: Personal
Anonymity: High
Ease of use: Easy
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: Open Source
Platforms: Web, Windows, Mac OS, Android
Source code URL: https://github.com/magnumwallet
ValidationType: SPV
Freewallet是一个加密货币钱包品牌,支持超过30种货币。 它提供单币种和多币种钱包。 Freewallet适用于iOS和Android,也以称为加密钱包的web界面应用程序的形式存在。 Freewallet的用户可以免费向对方转移硬币。 另一个显着特点是能够通过钱包界面支付移动电话服务。 Web版本具有内置的加密交换功能。 Freewallet用户可以用信用卡购买比特币,莱特币和以太坊。
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