The website of Citowise Wallet is currently not active. Citowise was previously available for Android and iOS users.
ClassicEtherWallet CX has been a browser wallet for the holders of Ethereum Classic coins before the 51% attack on the Ethereum Classic blockchain took place in January 2019 resulting in a theft of over $11 mln.
Cobo Wallet是Cobo的旗舰手机钱包,旨在让人们轻松增长和保护他们的加密。 Cobo钱包是世界上第一个支持池化质押的钱包,为数十个PoS项目提供原生质押,拥有集成的dapp商店,支持超过30个硬币和500个代币。
Coinapult is a currently non-functioning wallet. Its website published an announcement about cessation of services in 2018. Following this, lock Coinapult accounts with USD, GPB and EUR denomination became available with Mycelium.
CoinBank is a Bitcoin Wallet for Android and iOS. It was been designed to provide the best possible digital currency experience on your Android&/iOS device.
Coinfy是一个多币种网络钱包,为用户提供了一个用户友好的界面来管理他们的加密货币,如BTC,ETH和ERC-20令牌。 每个用户都拥有他们的私钥。
Coinhako is one of South East Asia’s top mobile crypto wallets available for iOS and Android users. Using the Coinhako service, one can buy top digital coins like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Singapore.
Coinify是一个开源的加密货币钱包和资产浏览器应用程序,正在欧洲,亚洲和其他地区积极提供解决方案。 Coinify支持btc,ETH以及ERC-20代币和其他加密货币等流行硬币。
CoinPayments Wallet is a crypto wallet used for transactions and exchange of 100+ cryptocurrencies on iOS and Android devices. Due to its payment options, such as a Mobile Point of Sale, It is especially convenient for businesses.
CoinSpace HD Wallet是一款免费的在线比特币钱包,可用于世界各地的免费支付。 它可以让你轻松,安全地从您的手机或台式电脑进行比特币支付的任何地方。 虽然CoinSpace被称为比特币钱包,但您也可以在莱特币和以太坊以及其他加密货币上安装钱包。 目前,CoinSpace支持11种加密货币:比特币,以太坊,莱特币,Ripple,比特币现金,比特币SV,Tether USD,Stellar,EOS,Dogecoin和DASH。
CoinVault是一个多币加密网络钱包。 在撰写本文时,钱包支持22资产。
CoolWallet is a Bluetooth hardware wallet for managing Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and ERC20 Tokens. It represents a cold storage wallet that can be used as the Android/Apple mobile app.
Copay is an Hierarchical Deterministic wallet. This means that funds in the wallet can be restored using old backups, diminishing the risks of losing funds. The extra security of using different addresses for each bitcoin transaction is also a positive security feature alongside multisignature capabilities. Copay allows users to check prices in over 150 currencies.
Corazon Titanium Trezor Model T是与Trezor合作的加密货币硬件钱包。
Counterwallet是比特币(BTC)和交易对手(Xcp)协议的匿名开源网络钱包。 Counterwallet支持多种语言。