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CoinBank Review 2023 - Is It Safe?

Security: Third Party Encrypted
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Easy
Has vouchers and offers: yes
Features: Hierarchical Deterministic
Platforms: Android, iOS
ValidationType: Centralized
Sep 17, 2020

CoinBank is a cryptocurrency wallet that was launched in 2017 by CoinBank Wallet Inc. It is a non-custodial wallet that allows users to store, manage, and trade their digital assets. CoinBank wallet is available on both desktop and mobile platforms and supports multiple cryptocurrencies. In this review, we will examine the features, pros, and cons of CoinBank.

User Interface and User Experience:

The user interface of CoinBank is very intuitive and easy to use. The wallet has a sleek design with a simple layout. Users can easily navigate through the wallet and find the features they need. The wallet is available in multiple languages, making it accessible to users around the world. The mobile app is well-designed and has a user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to manage their cryptocurrencies on the go.

Supported Cryptocurrencies:

CoinBank supports a variety of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, and more. The wallet also supports ERC-20 tokens. The wallet does not support as many cryptocurrencies as some other wallets, but it covers the most popular ones.


CoinBank uses several security measures to protect user funds. The wallet uses multi-signature technology, which requires multiple signatures to authorize transactions. Private keys are stored in an encrypted format, and the wallet uses two-factor authentication for added security. The wallet also has a backup and recovery feature, allowing users to recover their funds if they lose access to their wallet. Overall, CoinBank has strong security measures in place to protect user funds.


CoinBank does not charge any fees for sending or receiving cryptocurrencies. The wallet does charge a small fee for converting one cryptocurrency to another. The fee is based on the current market rate and is competitive with other wallets.

Customer Support:

CoinBank has a dedicated customer support team that is available 24/7 to assist users with any issues they may encounter. The team can be contacted through email, live chat, or phone. The wallet also has a comprehensive FAQ section on its website, which covers many common issues. The customer support team is knowledgeable and responsive, providing users with prompt and effective assistance.
User-friendly interface
Strong security measures
Supports multiple cryptocurrencies and ERC-20 tokens
No fees for sending or receiving cryptocurrencies
Excellent customer support
Does not support as many cryptocurrencies as some other wallets
Limited advanced features for experienced users
CoinBank is a reliable and user-friendly cryptocurrency wallet that is suitable for both novice and experienced users. The wallet has strong security measures in place and supports multiple cryptocurrencies and ERC-20 tokens. The wallet's user-friendly interface and excellent customer support make it an excellent choice for users looking for a simple and secure way to manage their digital assets. While the wallet may not offer advanced features for experienced users, it is a solid choice for those looking for a straightforward and reliable cryptocurrency wallet.


在这里留下您关于 CoinBank 的评论。 请注意,您的反馈对于用户在选择产品时可能至关重要,因此请尽量避免不正确和不合理的批判。



Duncan Dickson 3 November 2021

An interesting wallet, left a good impression after use. I've been using it for over a year, it is a good and reasonably secure platform.

Security: Third Party Encrypted
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Easy
Has vouchers and offers: yes
Features: Hierarchical Deterministic
Platforms: Android, iOS
ValidationType: Centralized
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SingularDTV Light Wallet was offered to manage Ethereum (ETH), Omisego (Omg), SingularDTV (SNGLS), and cryptocurrency assets. As of now, no active mentions of this wallet on the developer’s website and on the web can be found.