要开发依赖于一个或多个区块链协议的应用程序,您需要聘请在每个区块链协议方面都有经验的区块链开发人员,设置和保护服务器,同步节点,找到一个良好而可靠的库并分别集成每个区块链协议。大多数加密交易所为其用户提供API密钥功能,API密钥允许用户使用交换API管理其订单,检查历史记录和取款。您可以使用Crypto API通用的一组API,而不是为不同的交换编写多个接口,从而使您可以从一个点访问所有受支持的交换。借助Crypto API,您将获得以下好处:
Fast, Unified and Reliable APIs. They have what they say that they have not like all others just marketing and sales without technical background, in case a feature is missing they do it really so fast for free!
The Team has been extremely helpful in assisting us in developing our Products.
We are using Blockchain APIs on our crypto exchange, works excellent.
My websites getting data from their base, works good.