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国家: USA
推出日期: 2017
Feb 04, 2021


BlockFI 是一家合法且高度信任的初创金融机构,专注于区块链驱动的产品,特别是加密货币。 该公司弥合了加密和传统财务之间的差距,它以独特的方式使消费者受益。 得益于区块链技术的固有优势, BlockFI 在稳定币上提供8.6%的APY,在比特币上提供6%的APY。 

该平台允许您管理您的加密投资组合并从中受益。 您可以借现金以及购买和出售加密,并始终找到最佳的市场条件来实现这一目标。

最终, BlockFI 提供灵活的投资机会,它不需要最低余额(最近更改的东西)或任何超出您认为最适合您的加密投资组合的承诺。 在今天的 BlockFI 回顾一下,我们将讨论领先的加密金融机构之一的期望。 


BlockFI 总部设在纽约市。 该公司在2017成立了自己的商店,从那时起就运营了一个先进的加密贷款和比特币有息存款账户。 在世界上最大的金融中心之一运营证明 BlockFI的 致力于维护财务透明度和公平的最高标准。


BlockFI 专注于为不同类型的加密所有者和投资者设计的三个主要专业领域。 具体而言,该平台为消费者提供了从固定利息,借钱或交易中受益的选项。 

  • 利息

这些都是专门为您提供比平均市场竞争对手更大的价值。 对于利息,您可以赚取高达8.6%的APY,并获得额外的好处,而不是等待一年结束,您的利息将每天累积并每月支付。 

这使消费者能够完全控制他们的资金,并承诺他们满意的任何金额。 您可以选择各种货币,包括BTC,ETH和LTC。 其他货币选择包括GUSD,PAXG,USDT,USDC和PAX。

  • 借 

借款处 BlockFI 很容易,它补充了主要的经验。 您可以使用固定的4.5%APR当场申请额外资金,同时继续赚取现有存款的利息。 没有预付罚款或费用。 

  • 贸易

我们发现方便的第三个财务机制 BlockFI 是交易功能,允许消费者快速购买和出售货币,没有任何技术障碍。 此外,您可以立即获得购买的利息。 正如该平台所说,您可以从即时交易和即时利息中受益。 


BlockFI 应用程序可用于iOS和Android设备和操作系统,使全面快速轻松导航。 与普通桌面版本一样,您可以使用该应用程序访问可用功能的全部功能 BlockFI,而且并非最不重要的是赚取APY,借现金,转移资金,并对整体市场有更好的了解。 


该应用程序可以很容易地链接您的银行帐户或钱包,并在一个成功的交易者的鞋子,而不必与任何不必要的技术斗争。 我们对移动版本的应用程序和软件的直观性感到非常满意。 


BlockFI 比特币奖励信用卡是一项特殊的创新功能,是整体体验的一部分,适用于通过应用程序为其帐户提供资金的任何人。 从本质上讲,您可以在每次购买时开始赚取比特币。

在获得批准后,平台将以美元分配信用额度。 如果您花费限额并复盖它,您的余额将不会收取利息,这使该卡成为一个很好的第一选择。

在此期间,您进行的每笔交易都将获得1.5%的现金返还,这些现金返还将以比特币分发给您。 信用卡确实有一些固有的和可扩展的好处,使许多消费者选择那些超过他们的借记卡。 


关于安全的猜测 BlockFI 是不必要的。 该公司拥有超过三年的运营作为其可靠性的证明。 自2017年抵达, BlockFI 没有失去一个帐户。 如果平台怀疑某个帐户已被泄露,它会立即将其锁定并启动全面调查。 

经常, BlockFI 将与任何受影响的一方重复视频会议,即使该人已被锁定在其帐户之外,如果需要,也可以通过更改用户名,密码和电子邮件来恢复其帐户。 


BlockFI 已经对冲了许多风险,被黑客攻击肯定是该公司已经到位的突发事件之一。 那么如果 BlockFI 被黑了? 由于该平台使用Gemini作为其主要托管人,因此BlockFI无法直接访问消费者的私钥。

相反,所有或至少大部分资产都离线放置在由Aon担保的冷存储解决方案中,以避免妥协。 2020年有一个小漏洞,但 BlockFI 确保攻击被成功击退,尽管名义数据泄漏。 Gemini在这里是正确的选择,因为该公司获得了纽约金融服务部(NYDFS)的许可,并且最近获得了德勤的SOC2Type1认证。 


让事情变得简单, BlockFI 已经决定去一个非常简单的细分它适用的可用费用。 该公司列出了所有货币选项及其提款限额和费用,如下所示:

  • BTC-100每7天–0.0025BTC 
  • ETH-5,000每7天–0.0015ETH
  • LTC-10,000每7天–0.0025LTC
  • 稳定币-每7天1,000,000-$0.25USD 
  • PAXG-500每7天-0.0025PAXG

BlockFI 曾经有一个最低余额限额有资格获得利息,但现在不再是这种情况。 请记住,必须满足提款最低要求,以便交易首先完成。 BIA客户每个日历月有权获得一次免费提款。 


BlockFI 是私人经营的,自成立以来一直如此。 因此,如果没有公司直接自愿提供的信息,就很难正确推测其估值。 

在2021年1月,该公司透露,该公司持有80亿美元的客户余额,自2019年第四季度以来增长了30倍,前景令人放心。 然而,由于 BlockFI 不是公开交易的,它的股票对普通投资者来说是禁止的,至少现在是这样。 


BlockFI 是传统和加密资金之间的桥梁。 为加密投资者提供众多激励措施, BlockFI 为您提供众多财务机制,良好的年度投资回报率以及可在桌面和移动平台上工作的可访问平台。 

BlockFI 专门设计用于允许新的加密货币爱好者即使是适度的投资组合也能获得更大的回报。 但是,该平台确实需要对其大部分可用资产具有一定的高风险承受能力,这是需要注意的。

价格波动是可怕的,但 BlockFI 一直在增长其消费者基础,并以足够快的速度平衡,以证明该公司致力于为您提供执行加密金融业务的完美条件。

Functionality 4 / 5
Ease of use 4 / 5
Support 5 / 5
Price 5 / 5
Technology 5 / 5
4.6 / 5
Pros and Cons





在这里留下您关于 BlockFi 的评论。 请注意,您的反馈对于用户在选择产品时可能至关重要,因此请尽量避免不正确和不合理的批判。



nath 11 June 2023

They promised a guaranteed return on my investment but after investing my life savings, I got nothing in return. They seemed legitimate at first, but it was all a scam. I urge people to stay away from fake platforms and not risk their hard-earned money like I did. Report scam to  cybertecx net for payout solution 

Gregory 12 April 2022

Hello, locked my account with $25,000 inside, around 80 days ago, and they are not willing to process a refund. They are asking for a court order just for them to process a refund.

After seeing a bunch of info about the products BlockFi offers that seemed attractive at first glance, I decided to open an account. Within minutes the account was ready to take the money out from my bank. No photo identification required, by the way.
I started depositing money, and seemed easy compared to other services of this kind.

After a while, I thought it would be a good idea to secure some funds by processing two Crypto withdrawal requests.
I've been waiting for two days (the minimum waiting time offered for a Crypto withdrawal), but instead of processing my requests they asked me for verification via ID/Passport, photos/video using my phone..(a regular request of any CEX), but what's strange, it's that they will ask for Verification after they allow you to deposit large amounts of money, and not before, as any other service does. I wonder what would happen with your money in a strange scenario where (for some reason) you can't successfully pass the Verification.

But... that was Ok. I successfully processed the verification within minutes.
Then, surprise..... Because I had two pending withdrawal requests for two different Crypto coins, even if one of them was for a very small amount being executed just for me to understand their withdrawal process, BlockFi asked me to get Verified once again. Not a different Verification process. Just the same one I had successfully executed minutes ago.

No problem! I did it again "You're all set !".
Within minutes, I got an email notifying that my BlockFi account was locked. No explanation other than asking to read their TOS, and the following notice..... "Should you be unable to retrieve funds through your bank, you must wait 60 days from receipt of this email before requesting a manual wire withdrawal to the source bank account. Please note that we may require identity verification to process the withdrawal. Note: Any requests made to BlockFi about your account funds will be ignored until we can process a return of funds which will only be eligible after 60 days. Do not reach out to BlockFi until after this date. "

The 60 days have passed and even though I used every possible method to contact BlockFi, it doesn't seem like anyone's going to reply. (Several support tickets or by sending any kind of message using any possible form on their Help/Support pages, trying to call them using the phone number listed over their Help page, sending message via some of the previous support tickets that were used around two months ago to communicate with them..and more..

Let's not forget that a considerable amount of money is still with BlockFi, and my account is still blocked.

If that can't be called an extremely frustrating situation, I'm curious to hear another :) .

--------- UPDATE
Finally I've been contacted, being informed that they will return my money...soon.

This is definitely good news, but ... I still find myself in a "strange" situation.

Let me explain: When BlockFi locked my account they said: "At this time, we are not able to return any funds to you directly. We’d recommend that you contact your bank and request that any ACH transfers you made to your BlockFi account be canceled and reversed. Should you be unable to retrieve funds through your bank, you must wait 60 days from receipt of this email before requesting a manual wire withdrawal to the source bank account. "

I thought it would be faster to follow BlockFi's advice by asking the bank to proceed as per their instructions,but a nightmare was about to start.
Shortly after asking the bank to return transfers made by me (no scam or hack involved), they decided that something is not right, ending by closing my bank accounts. PERMANENTLY.
So BlockFi will not be able to send a Wire Transfer as it will be automatically returned.
But when they blocked my account, part of the money was in Crypto balances. I wonder what are the terms used to close my positions. Crypto coins rates have changed in the past 70 days. Maybe they will process my original withdrawal requests via crypto? Or will they accept my request to send my money to another bank account in my name? Also I wonder how they could have sent a Wire Transfer to an account that does not accept wires (if they were sent to BlockFi from a NeoBank). Not the case here, but just wonder...


BlockFi's final word is: "Any funds on the account will remain locked until BlockFi receives a court order to refund the funds"
$25,000 of my money are locked and they also refuse a refund to the source bank account

Andrew 11 February 2021

Blockfi is a great way to keep up with inflation(maybe) as opposed to the old banking system that has many hoops to jump through to get even 2% interest on your money. Most of the time, big banks like BofA give you a few cents per quarter. One problem for first time users may be getting the crypto coins and sending them to Blockfi. Otherwise, they do offer a stablecoin for direct purchase using ACH from your bank. However, once you have a balance you can choose how it is paid out, either in the crypto you deposited or choose all of it to go to one of their supported cryptos. For example, I have ETH, BTC and USDC and chose to have my monthly interest paid in BTC.
A couple reasons I don't give it 5 stars are 1) It is not FDIC insured but that may not mean much if you look up how much banks actually support it or possible negative interest rates in the future and 2) You do not own the keys to your deposited crypto so much like a traditional bank(again if you research how they really work) once you deposit currency, you are not the true owner of it.

Currently, at the time of this review, Blockfi offers anywhere from 3% to 9.3% interest depending on why type of crypto you deposit and how much. Find a bank that offers this but it remains to be seen how long they can offer such returns and there is a future possibility that Blockfi wants to get authorized as a proper bank, which to me means more regulations, i.e. more costs to run the business meaning less payout to its customers.

Overall, I am enjoying my returns but still a little hesitant to completely leave traditional banks behind as Blockfi was only formed back in 2017.

Josh 4 February 2021

In a BlockFi user. Not the best interest rates, Celsius pays better, no fees. To get your coins or of BlockFi is a torture.

国家: USA
推出日期: 2017
TradeSanta是一个加密交易机器人,可以用于与几个交易所平台进行交易。 TradeSanta是用于自动化交易策略的软件。 它的界面是基于云。 使用此工具,您将能够在几分钟内设置交易机器人。 准备好的模板也可用。
Cryptohopper是一个算法加密货币交易平台(用于交易机器人)。 这些平台用于交易者策略的自动化。 更重要的是,Cryptohopper可以用来接收来自专业交易者(信号员)的信号。 该平台本身不是交易所,因此用户在侧面交易所进行交易。 该过程通过API密钥进行管理。 Cryptohopper是在荷兰阿姆斯特丹创建的。 机器人被视为软件即服务。 Cryptohopper拥有具有丰富功能的用户友好界面的组合。
CryptoMiso是一种工具,可根据其在GitHub(全球软件开发托管)上的活动对加密货币进行排名。 CryptoMiso于2018年初在加密货币日益普及的最前沿推出。在撰写本文时,此监视活动涵盖265个加密项目。