Swapzone是即时加密货币交换聚合器。 Swapzone具有按价格,用户评论和交付时间进行浏览的能力,可以比较顶级交换服务,从而为300多种加密货币资产提供最佳汇率。在比较交易并找到最佳报价之后,用户可以直接通过Swapzone交换资金。
该服务正在通过其合作伙伴的API汇总所选加密货币对的交换报价。 Swapzone正在发送用户的查询,直接从服务中获取交易,以最优惠的价格对其进行分类,并在我们的界面中收集数据。
As for me, really convenient. I've encountered another similar aggregator once, but this fellas made a better interface and better usability. Functionality is similar though.
There are so many exchanges on a crypto market now, but thanks to Swapzone I always make informed choice when exchanging
It looks cool and convenient, the verification has been completed fast and I easily managed how to trade. 5 star mark.
More or less it's fine, it's got some bugs with the charts and the work of the website. But I think it's not that bad.
I like comparing the different assets here. It's got really good features here. It helps to choose a better coin. Like.