网站: quube.exchange
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网站: quube.exchange
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LocalBitcoins是2012年在芬兰推出的p2p加密货币交换平台。 在一些国家,该服务不可用,但是可以通过VPN或其他方法隐藏用户的IP地址来使用它。 这个平台的主要目的是为BTC交换当地国家货币。
As part of the #Thore projects long term visions, an exchange platform was created. THE is aiming for 1 million trades per day by the end of the 2nd year. The cash flow will be similar to the stock exchange business. The team believes that anybody can make Good profits in the crypto Tokens and digital asset market so it developed the #THE exchange. It’s expected that THORE Exchange will bring large-scale crypto trading to a new level.