网站: knownorigin.io
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网站: knownorigin.io
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Kraken成立于2011年,但两年后正式开业。它是最古老的活跃加密货币交易所之一。 Kraken提供多种菲亚特货币的有效交易机会。就比特币到欧元的交易量而言,它目前处于世界领先地位。该交易所支持加密货币和菲亚特存款以及提款。
Namebase is an exchange registered based in San Francisco. To be more precise, Namebase is an onramp for Handshake and you can use its platform for buying and selling Handshake coins (HNS) as well as bidding on, purchasing, selling, and using Handshake names. The platform also supports Bitcoin.