CoinPlace提供广泛的代币交易。 交易所的网站有英语和俄语版本。 交易佣金为以加密支付的头寸的0.2%。 对于未经验证的用户,每日提款限额为100美元。 该平台的本地令牌-CLP-可用于购买和交易。 自2019年1月以来,该公司的Twitter媒体没有看到任何更新。
hello, I deposited 300 dollars, now it is 1000 dollars, but advanced autentication is not approved for 3 days, please help. help me withdraw the money I deposited🙏
The dead project, exit scam, It closed and they didn't even report it on social media... I think they committed an exit scam