EOS是一个基于区块链的创新生态系统,由于具有类似的功能集而被推广为以太坊的替代方案。它由公司block.one于2017年成立。 EOS是用于托管分散式应用程序的平台,它为开发人员提供了丰富的功能和服务选择。该平台使用具有相同名称的本机令牌EOS。
EOS旨在彻底消除交易费用和无限的网络容量,从而达到每秒数百万笔交易。同时,还有很多工作要做。该平台的治理模型非常不寻常。 EOS并非匿名,而是依靠民选的独立区块生产者的受欢迎程度和责任。该协议称为委托权益证明。
EOS is easily one of the best chains in the ecosystem. It ticks a lot of boxes for ease of use; and scale-ability. I would never build a complex system, game, or token on ETH because of the end user's cost. While on EOS it's much cheaper and easier to develop a smart contract and launch an entire project in hours. On top of that; we don't have to worry about things such as developer errors or catastrophic bugs which would force you to launch another contract on ETH. If you're looking for the future; it's with EOS. Professional, fast, and one of the best communities to follow on Telegram.
EOS has shown the technical superiority in many ways. Latest release of EOS 2.0 shows the speed of development. Back of this, $1bn has been invested in projects that is going to utilize EOSio. Soon EOS will launch the first dapp with the millions of users. I guess is that's going to be #VOICE
EOS is trying to surpass ETH and it has chances to do that. There are an innovative system and relatively high liquidity. But the dev team has to develop the project more in order to catch up ETH. At that moment, there are still some bugs and failure need to be corrected.
EOS is on the largest blockchain. It provides great liquidity and market cap. The support of it gives a good assistance and opportunity to ask some questions about the blockchain. I definitely like it.