Alterdice是位于新加坡的集中式加密货币交易所。该交易所于2018年启动。报告的交易量约为4000万。 $。它支持96个交易对和36个硬币。
Alterdice向接受者收取0.20%,向庄家收取0.10%。交易所有自己的提款手续费结构。对于比特币,固定费用为0.0001 BTC +金额的0.10%。最低提款费用始终为0.0005 BTC。
For the new exchange it has a big liquidity. I though, maybe it's a fake, but I checked it and it looks real. Then, it's great to see that. It's worth to trade here, i guess.
The exchange is actually fine. I deposited LTC and, and transfered some BTC as well. The operations were completed without any issues. In addition, I'd note the web site, it looks cool. Check it out.