Alterdice是位于新加坡的集中式加密货币交易所。该交易所于2018年启动。报告的交易量约为4000万。 $。它支持96个交易对和36个硬币。
Alterdice向接受者收取0.20%,向庄家收取0.10%。交易所有自己的提款手续费结构。对于比特币,固定费用为0.0001 BTC +金额的0.10%。最低提款费用始终为0.0005 BTC。
More or less it works fine, it could be better, if they improve the app, because it's difficult to work with when it shows the that the app is temporarily unavailable. In addition, I wish the transactions are completed faster.
Cool exchange, i like the way it looks and works. From time to time I am using the android app it pulls this off as well. Definitely, I am not going to stop trading on this platform.
Alterdice is developing in the right direction. The design and interface of the platform looks modern and useful. They have a chat in telegram and it really helpful thing. Sometimes, I can find the answer to my question just to scroll down the Chat without actually asking the question. The exchange is convinient and I like being here.
The activation of the account is a fast procedure. It took me just 10 minutes. Then I was able to use the exchange both on the site and mobile app. Everything is simple and functional.
More or less it works fine, it could be Better, if they improve the app, because it's difficult to work with when it shows the that the app is temporarily unavailable. In addition, I wish the transactions are completed faster.