Allcoin是一家总部位于加拿大的集中式加密货币交易所。 该交易所于2013年推出。 Allcoin有59个可用的交易对和25个硬币。 存款在交易所是免费的。 保证金交易选项不可用。 它支持比特币,以太币和自己的股票硬币Qtum兑美元的交易。 像许多其他不受监管的交易所一样,Allcoin在非洲,南美和美国等一些国家不允许。 Allcoin最强的一点是它的交易费用,据称是0.00%。
该交易所允许法定货币和加密货币存款。 此外,AllCoin可以通过电汇和信用卡接受存款。 AllCoin被要求提供电话号码和密码以进行确认。 此外,它要求提供居住国,身份证号码,全名和出生日期。 交易者还应该添加银行账户详细信息,以便处理银行和AllCoin之间发生的各种交易。
The platform is ok. I heard about a mass of criticism but I am trading without that big problem. I passed the verification just once and everything was all right. I stored here some of funds and make some kind of operations maybe 3 or 4 per week and never faced the unpleasant situation.
My funds were frozen and I couldn’t login, I used to think about the bad things. But eventually I got the solid answer from the support, I initiated 2fa without any problem and my account went back on normal. Now, I’ve been trading for three months and have no complaints.