Allcoin是一家总部位于加拿大的集中式加密货币交易所。 该交易所于2013年推出。 Allcoin有59个可用的交易对和25个硬币。 存款在交易所是免费的。 保证金交易选项不可用。 它支持比特币,以太币和自己的股票硬币Qtum兑美元的交易。 像许多其他不受监管的交易所一样,Allcoin在非洲,南美和美国等一些国家不允许。 Allcoin最强的一点是它的交易费用,据称是0.00%。
该交易所允许法定货币和加密货币存款。 此外,AllCoin可以通过电汇和信用卡接受存款。 AllCoin被要求提供电话号码和密码以进行确认。 此外,它要求提供居住国,身份证号码,全名和出生日期。 交易者还应该添加银行账户详细信息,以便处理银行和AllCoin之间发生的各种交易。
I've read many topics that they are scums, but frankly I've been traiding for a while and I didn't notice anything suspicion. I think, the speed could be faster, in general I like it
Allcoin is an old platform and I think it’s a credible one. I am trading with some ERC20 coins and I haven’t had bad experience with that. I would just note that I can wait a little bit longer then I expect but in the end my withdrawals or transactions is always completed.
The support is quite nice, actually. They gave me the full instruction of the verification process and I done it pretty fast. At that moment my account is ok and I’m trading smoothly.
The great valuable thing of that exchange is the low commission. I think the commission is lower the average amount among the other cryptoexchange. The exchange is safe i’ve started trading in 2016 and my funds hasn’t been stolen or hacked since then. The overall mark is good for Allcoin.
I wouldn’t say that exchange is awful, but I strongly believe that they have to do smth with the verification process. This process is not trying to protect the traders it’s trying to piss them off. Why it is so difficult to complete?I understand, that there a lot of scumers ang hackers but sometimes it’s a nonsense and can take the months to finish it.