MyCoinStory (hereinafter referred to as MCS, is a Trend Leading Cryptocurrency Derivatives Trading Platform registered in Seychelles with headquarters in Singapore and offices in South Korea. is a multi-cryptocurrency exchange based in England. It allows users to exchange cryptocurrencies for fiat currencies such as USD, GBP and JPY. has a trading fee of 0.5%.
NAGAX is a new social trading platform allowing its users to copy others’ trades, share content with each other, and interact with each other. NAGAX plans to introduce a way for popular users to get paid for their content.
Namebase is an exchange registered based in San Francisco. To be more precise, Namebase is an onramp for Handshake and you can use its platform for buying and selling Handshake coins (HNS) as well as bidding on, purchasing, selling, and using Handshake names. The platform also supports Bitcoin.
Narkasa加密货币交易所于2020年6月推出。 在伊斯坦布尔商会注册为Narkasa Yazılım Ticaret A.Ş,注册号为184965-5,资本为5,000,000.00土耳其里拉。
Nash aims to make decentralized finance fast, simple, and safe by enabling users to transfer assets securely without the need to trust intermediaries.
Negocie Coins是一个集中式加密货币交易所。 Negocie Coins由位于巴西的ZATER Capital公司注册成立。
Netcoins is the publicly owned crypto trading platform in Canada to be fully regulated.
Newdex was launched on the EOS on August 8, 2018. It is the order-book decentralized Exchange for on-chain matching and settlement in the entire net.
Nocks是在荷兰注册的加密货币交易所。 Nocks v.01网络于2015年启动。截至目前,Nocks交易平台涵盖了该平台的本地代币EUR,BTC,ETH和NCKS等市场。
Nominex是一种加密货币交易所,以低廉的费用和众多的工具提供便捷的交易体验。 Nominex成立于2018年,将简单性,技术稳健性,安全性和盈利潜力结合在一起,形成了下一代交易所。该项目背后的熟练团队的目的不仅是为专业人员而且为初学者提供便利和简化的交易体验。