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Jan 21, 2021


块体,块体 是一个区块链和加密货币教育平台,为加密和区块链领域的学习,社区建设和专业发展提供全面的生态系统。 在这篇评论中,我们将仔细研究Blockgeeks及其各种组件。


Blockgeeks的主要特点之一是其课程和研讨会。 该平台提供与区块链和加密货币相关的各种主题的广泛课程和研讨会,从初级到高级。 这些课程旨在帮助个人了解区块链技术及其应用的基础知识,并由行业专家和领先的区块链从业者教授。

这些课程被组织成全面的学习路径,其中包括加密货币和区块链基础知识,智能合约,分散式应用程序等主题。 另一方面,这些工作坊的设计是实践的互动学习经验,让学生将他们的知识应用到现实世界的场景中。


Blockgeeks生态系统的另一个关键组成部分是其社区和网络平台。 Blockgeeks为其成员提供了一个空间,可以与其他对区块链和加密货币感兴趣的个人建立联系。 这个社区是个人分享想法,提问和讨论加密和区块链领域最新发展的好地方。

此外,Blockgeeks还为其成员提供了社交机会,例如活动和网络研讨会,个人可以与社区的其他成员见面和联系。 这些活动和网络研讨会为个人提供了向行业专家学习的机会,并深入了解区块链和加密货币领域的最新趋势和发展。


Blockgeeks还为其成员提供职业发展资源和机会。 该平台提供了一系列资源和工具,个人可以使用这些资源和工具来增强他们在加密和区块链领域的技能和知识。 这包括工作列表,在线课程和其他可以帮助个人在区块链和加密货币行业推进职业生涯的资源。

此外,Blockgeeks还为其成员提供访问其人才网络的权限,其中包括领先的区块链和加密货币公司。 这使个人能够与潜在的雇主建立联系,并探索区块链和加密货币行业的职业机会。


Blockgeeks还建立了令牌经济作为其生态系统的一部分。 该平台的令牌BGX被用作Blockgeeks生态系统内的交换手段。 会员可以使用BGX购买课程、参加研讨会以及访问平台内的其他资源。

此外,Blockgeeks还建立了一个令牌投注计划,允许个人通过参与平台的社区并为其增长做出贡献来赚取BGX令牌。 令牌投注计划为个人提供了一种方式来获得奖励,因为他们对Blockgeeks社区和生态系统的贡献。


最后,Blockgeeks为其成员提供了对加密和区块链空间的专家见解。 该平台设有博客和新闻部分,个人可以访问加密和区块链行业的最新发展和趋势。 此外,Blockgeeks还采访了行业专家和领先的区块链从业者,为个人提供了区块链和加密货币世界的内部视角。

总之,Blockgeeks是区块链和加密货币领域学习,社区建设和专业发展的综合生态系统。 该平台的课程和研讨会,社区和网络平台,职业发展资源,令牌经济和专家见解使其成为希望了解更多关于加密和区块链行业的个人的宝贵资源。

Support 2 / 5
Ease of use 2 / 5
Reputation 2 / 5
Technology 2 / 5
2 / 5
Pros and Cons



在这里留下您关于 Blockgeeks 的评论。 请注意,您的反馈对于用户在选择产品时可能至关重要,因此请尽量避免不正确和不合理的批判。



Peter 24 June 2023

BlockGeeks is a horrible horrible platform. Fortunately for me I didn't pay for a course there when I found out they were a fraud. I'm sad for those who purchased a course with them only to find out that they have the most horrible customer service ever. After half a year if trying I still cannot delete my account with them because you cannot contact them, the Contact Us formular doesn't work and that is the only way to contact them.
These people should be charged for criminal activity (stealing people's money).

Ronald Sonntag 15 October 2021

Horrible! I registered and paid for their Blockchain and Cryptoassets with Dmitry Buterin course that was supposed to be 4 days/wk. They changed it (without notice) to 2 days/wk then I was told the instructor quit. Then, I tried to attend the first online course and NONE of the Zoom or Google conference links worked and nobody showed up. No response from my queries to BlockGeeks. Absolutely unacceptable. I no longer have any confidence in the quality of what they provide. Asking for a full refund.

Ronald Sonntag
16 October 2021
I am giving this another try and will revise my rating depending on the outcome. The instructor, Randy, has been steadfastly polite across all the difficulties I have encountered so far. I hope things can be put back on track by the second class.
gohloum 25 June 2021

Although there is a lot of content, most of it seems to be more than 1.5 years out of date. I signed up for a 1 year membership and started the intermediate developer's track. Because I am a 25 year veteran developer, I can manage with many of the out of date sources and figure out on my own how to use the more upgraded coding libraries. However, something else I noticed is there is a new Investment track for 2021, but to view it I have to sign up for a second charge independent of my current membership. That's BS! It says right on my membership that I have full access to all content. Since I am developer, I am not too put off by it, but it's fraudulent or false advertising at the very least. It's a real shame because I imagine when this site originally launched, the material seems really good for that time period. To me it would seem they have abandoned the site, but are still accepting memberships. No one in their community section has posted for 7 months as of this review (June 25th, 2021).

By far the worst support I have ever had the misfortune to experience! 15 March 2021

By far the worst support I have ever had the misfortune to experience!

I signed up for blockgeeks in December 2020 for a years subscription, I asked for a simple account merge with an old account I'd forgotten I had and I've been locked out of both since. It is now March 2021 I'm a quarter into my subscription and have had no access throughout.

When you contact support you expect 24-48 hours delayed response at most. With Blockgeeks you're lucky to get an answer in weeks. Each 3 week plus wait is broken up by them asking a question or saying "This is your new password" only to find your password doesn't work and you're left with having to wait weeks for next contact.

If you want my advice from experience, steer well clear, I'm no longer even convinced they're as big as they make out they are

EDIT: since writing this review they have deleted my account without my consent. They've taken my money and ran. They're not even responding to my complaints now

Bert Kozma Bert Kozma
15 March 2021
Hello! This is horrible, we will update the company description according to your situation soon.
Fred 25 January 2021

What a weird education portal? I can't understand this site.

DigitalNote is an open-source blockchain relying on the Proof-of-Work/Proof-of-Stake hybrid protocol. The cryptocurrency associated with the network is XDN. The XDN Masternode Network is built on top of this protocol. The main features of this platform are high-speed untraceable transactions and secure private peer-to-peer communication channels. In order to send an instant transaction, one needs to use the InstantTX function which executes the instant XDN-transactions immediately via the Masternode Network. The messaging service is censorship- and tracing-resistant. The messages get decrypted locally on the receiver's device and nowhere else. The security of the network is achieved via the VRX v3.0 technology that protects the platform from 51% attacks. The DigitalNote wallet is mobile-ready and doesn't consume much resources so it's comfortable for people making transactions on the go.
Evedo是一个基于区块链的平台,由B2B和B2C市场组成。 它统一了所有参与组织活动的企业和参与者。 它的目标是建立一个市场和一个真正的生态系统,通过在没有不必要的中间人的情况下连接各方,帮助价值8500多亿美元的活动行业增长。
BILLCRYPT is a multifunctional Blockchain integration system of representative offices of companies, professional communities, specialists and products. Blockchain representation (BR) is created by users in the form of decentralized applications (DApp) on the blockchain with a comfortable interface. On the basis of the platform, an interblockchain infrastructure of technological and economic properties is being built, uniting blockchain projects and projects of the real sector.