Bitcoin Cash (BCH) vs Litecoin (LTC) Comparison


Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Litecoin (LTC) are two popular cryptocurrencies that were created to address some of the shortcomings of Bitcoin. In this review, we will compare the features of these two cryptocurrencies and see how they differ.

History and Background

Bitcoin Cash was created in 2017 as a hard fork of Bitcoin. The main reason behind its creation was to increase the block size limit of Bitcoin, which was limiting the transaction processing speed and causing high transaction fees. Litecoin, on the other hand, was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee, a former Google engineer. It was designed to be a faster and cheaper alternative to Bitcoin, using a different algorithm for mining called Scrypt.

Technology and Features

Bitcoin Cash uses a block size of 32MB, which allows for faster transaction processing times and lower fees compared to Bitcoin. It also uses a different mining algorithm called SHA-256, which is the same as Bitcoin. Litecoin uses the Scrypt mining algorithm, which is less resource-intensive than SHA-256, making it easier for anyone with a computer to mine. It has a block time of 2.5 minutes, which is four times faster than Bitcoin's block time of 10 minutes.

Transaction Speed and Fees

Both Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin offer faster transaction processing times and lower fees compared to Bitcoin. Bitcoin Cash can handle up to 116 transactions per second, compared to Bitcoin's 7 transactions per second. Litecoin, on the other hand, can handle up to 56 transactions per second. The fees for both cryptocurrencies are also much lower than Bitcoin, with Bitcoin Cash fees averaging around $0.001 per transaction and Litecoin fees averaging around $0.01 per transaction.

Market Capitalization and Adoption

Bitcoin Cash currently has a market capitalization of around $11 billion, making it the 11th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Litecoin has a market capitalization of around $8 billion, making it the 16th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Both cryptocurrencies have seen significant adoption and can be used to purchase goods and services from a growing number of merchants.

Community and Development

Both Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin have active communities and development teams working to improve the technology and increase adoption. Bitcoin Cash has a strong following among those who believe in its vision of creating a more scalable and efficient version of Bitcoin. Litecoin has a strong following among those who value its speed and lower fees, as well as its commitment to maintaining a fair and decentralized network.
Overall, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin are both solid alternatives to Bitcoin for those looking for faster transaction processing times and lower fees. While Bitcoin Cash is focused on increasing the block size limit to improve scalability, Litecoin is focused on using a different mining algorithm to achieve similar results. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on individual needs and preferences, but both cryptocurrencies have strong communities and are worth considering.


User rating

4.4 / 5 7 用户评论 5 / 5 5 用户评论

Cryptogeek rating

4 / 5 3.4 / 5
4.19 / 5 3.98 / 5


比特币现金是Roger Ver在2017年提出的最受欢迎的比特币硬分叉,用于解决比特币网络交易缓慢的问题。这个想法是创建一个更好的支付方式的比特币版本,而原始比特币被更多地视为价值存储。比特币现金的块大小比比特币大,因此这种货币的交易更快,更便宜。另一方面,它需要更多资源来运行比特币现金的整个节点,这使其更易于集中化。比特币现金迅速吸引了大量追随者,并成为加密货币市场的重要组成部分。 BCH可在许多交易所使用,并受到众多加密服务的支持。自项目启动以来,它从未离开过前十名。
Litecoin由Google员工Charlie Lee于2011年创建。目前,按市值计算,该加密货币是最大的加密货币之一。 Litecoin被创建为比特币区块链的首批分支之一。同样,可以肯定地说莱特币是最早的山寨币之一。比特币基于SHA-256算法,而莱特币则采用更轻便的scrypt算法。


coin coin


2017 2011


International International


没有数据 没有数据


Public Public


Public blockchain Public blockchain


497.9648 94.1191


4355.6200 375.2900


2.89 5.27


37452924.09168 67193049.13950


2653000000 165730


21000000.00000 84000000.00000


没有数据 没有数据


19791937.39665 75226026.98347


116 56


没有数据 没有数据


没有数据 没有数据


SHA-256 Scrypt




没有数据 没有数据


没有数据 没有数据


18462627.14680 65464957.99676


yes yes


6.250000000000 12.500000000000


600 150
User rating User rating 4.4 / 5 7 用户评论 User rating 5 / 5 5 用户评论
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 4 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 3.4 / 5
TrustScore 其如何运作 TrustScore 4.19 / 5 TrustScore 3.98 / 5
比特币现金是Roger Ver在2017年提出的最受欢迎的比特币硬分叉,用于解决比特币网络交易缓慢的问题。这个想法是创建一个更好的支付方式的比特币版本,而原始比特币被更多地视为价值存储。比特币现金的块大小比比特币大,因此这种货币的交易更快,更便宜。另一方面,它需要更多资源来运行比特币现金的整个节点,这使其更易于集中化。比特币现金迅速吸引了大量追随者,并成为加密货币市场的重要组成部分。 BCH可在许多交易所使用,并受到众多加密服务的支持。自项目启动以来,它从未离开过前十名。
Litecoin由Google员工Charlie Lee于2011年创建。目前,按市值计算,该加密货币是最大的加密货币之一。 Litecoin被创建为比特币区块链的首批分支之一。同样,可以肯定地说莱特币是最早的山寨币之一。比特币基于SHA-256算法,而莱特币则采用更轻便的scrypt算法。
类型 类型 coin 类型 coin
成立日期 成立日期 2017 成立日期 2011
国家 国家 International 国家 International
语言 语言 没有数据 语言 没有数据
团队 团队 Public 团队 Public
协议 协议 Public blockchain 协议 Public blockchain
当前价格(美元) 当前价格(美元) 497.9648 当前价格(美元) 94.1191
历史最高(美元) 历史最高(美元) 4355.6200 历史最高(美元) 375.2900
价格变动(24小时) 价格变动(24小时) 2.89 价格变动(24小时) 5.27
交易量(24小时) 交易量(24小时) 37452924.09168 交易量(24小时) 67193049.13950
哈希值 哈希值 2653000000 哈希值 165730
最大供应量 最大供应量 21000000.00000 最大供应量 84000000.00000
总供应 总供应 没有数据 总供应 没有数据
循环供应 循环供应 19791937.39665 循环供应 75226026.98347
交易速度/区块生成时间 交易速度/区块生成时间 116 交易速度/区块生成时间 56
手续费 手续费 没有数据 手续费 没有数据
挖矿盈利能力 挖矿盈利能力 low 挖矿盈利能力 low
算法 算法 SHA-256 算法 Scrypt
证明类型 证明类型 PoW 证明类型 PoW
完全放心 完全放心 没有数据 完全放心 没有数据
智能合约地址 智能合约地址 没有数据 智能合约地址 没有数据
开采的硬币总数 开采的硬币总数 18462627.14680 开采的硬币总数 65464957.99676
正在交易 正在交易 yes 正在交易 yes
块奖励 块奖励 6.250000000000 块奖励 12.500000000000
封锁时间 封锁时间 600 封锁时间 150




Bitcoin Cash @LitecoinProject
网站 网站 网站
Twitter Twitter Bitcoin Cash Twitter @LitecoinProject


Scalable Highly Efficient Easy To Acquire Open-source Network Decentralized Transactions Fees


Branding Issues Has some branding issues


User rating User rating 4.4 / 5 7 用户评论 User rating 5 / 5 5 用户评论
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 4 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 3.4 / 5
优点 优点 Scalable Highly Efficient Easy To Acquire 优点 Open-source Network Decentralized Transactions Fees
缺点 缺点 Branding Issues 缺点 Has some branding issues

基于 7 条用户评论, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) 条用户评分为 4.4 条。 基于 5 位用户的评论, Litecoin (LTC) 位用户的评分是 5 位。

We also calculate the special Cryptogeek TrustScore based on the characteristics of each coin.

我们根据TrustScore评分选择获胜者 请记住,选择哪家公司仍然取决于您的选择! 我们如何计算信任分数?

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Litecoin (LTC) are two popular cryptocurrencies that were created to address some of the shortcomings of Bitcoin. In this review, we will compare the features of these two cryptocurrencies and see how they differ.

History and Background

Bitcoin Cash was created in 2017 as a hard fork of Bitcoin. The main reason behind its creation was to increase the block size limit of Bitcoin, which was limiting the transaction processing speed and causing high transaction fees. Litecoin, on the other hand, was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee, a former Google engineer. It was designed to be a faster and cheaper alternative to Bitcoin, using a different algorithm for mining called Scrypt.

Technology and Features

Bitcoin Cash uses a block size of 32MB, which allows for faster transaction processing times and lower fees compared to Bitcoin. It also uses a different mining algorithm called SHA-256, which is the same as Bitcoin. Litecoin uses the Scrypt mining algorithm, which is less resource-intensive than SHA-256, making it easier for anyone with a computer to mine. It has a block time of 2.5 minutes, which is four times faster than Bitcoin's block time of 10 minutes.

Transaction Speed and Fees

Both Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin offer faster transaction processing times and lower fees compared to Bitcoin. Bitcoin Cash can handle up to 116 transactions per second, compared to Bitcoin's 7 transactions per second. Litecoin, on the other hand, can handle up to 56 transactions per second. The fees for both cryptocurrencies are also much lower than Bitcoin, with Bitcoin Cash fees averaging around $0.001 per transaction and Litecoin fees averaging around $0.01 per transaction.

Market Capitalization and Adoption

Bitcoin Cash currently has a market capitalization of around $11 billion, making it the 11th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Litecoin has a market capitalization of around $8 billion, making it the 16th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Both cryptocurrencies have seen significant adoption and can be used to purchase goods and services from a growing number of merchants.

Community and Development

Both Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin have active communities and development teams working to improve the technology and increase adoption. Bitcoin Cash has a strong following among those who believe in its vision of creating a more scalable and efficient version of Bitcoin. Litecoin has a strong following among those who value its speed and lower fees, as well as its commitment to maintaining a fair and decentralized network.
Overall, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin are both solid alternatives to Bitcoin for those looking for faster transaction processing times and lower fees. While Bitcoin Cash is focused on increasing the block size limit to improve scalability, Litecoin is focused on using a different mining algorithm to achieve similar results. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on individual needs and preferences, but both cryptocurrencies have strong communities and are worth considering.