Bitcoin Cash (BCH) vs Litecoin (LTC) Comparison
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Litecoin (LTC) are two popular cryptocurrencies that were created to address some of the shortcomings of Bitcoin. In this review, we will compare the features of these two cryptocurrencies and see how they differ.
History and Background
Bitcoin Cash was created in 2017 as a hard fork of Bitcoin. The main reason behind its creation was to increase the block size limit of Bitcoin, which was limiting the transaction processing speed and causing high transaction fees. Litecoin, on the other hand, was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee, a former Google engineer. It was designed to be a faster and cheaper alternative to Bitcoin, using a different algorithm for mining called Scrypt.
Technology and Features
Bitcoin Cash uses a block size of 32MB, which allows for faster transaction processing times and lower fees compared to Bitcoin. It also uses a different mining algorithm called SHA-256, which is the same as Bitcoin. Litecoin uses the Scrypt mining algorithm, which is less resource-intensive than SHA-256, making it easier for anyone with a computer to mine. It has a block time of 2.5 minutes, which is four times faster than Bitcoin's block time of 10 minutes.
Transaction Speed and Fees
Both Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin offer faster transaction processing times and lower fees compared to Bitcoin. Bitcoin Cash can handle up to 116 transactions per second, compared to Bitcoin's 7 transactions per second. Litecoin, on the other hand, can handle up to 56 transactions per second. The fees for both cryptocurrencies are also much lower than Bitcoin, with Bitcoin Cash fees averaging around $0.001 per transaction and Litecoin fees averaging around $0.01 per transaction.
Market Capitalization and Adoption
Bitcoin Cash currently has a market capitalization of around $11 billion, making it the 11th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Litecoin has a market capitalization of around $8 billion, making it the 16th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Both cryptocurrencies have seen significant adoption and can be used to purchase goods and services from a growing number of merchants.
Community and Development
Both Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin have active communities and development teams working to improve the technology and increase adoption. Bitcoin Cash has a strong following among those who believe in its vision of creating a more scalable and efficient version of Bitcoin. Litecoin has a strong following among those who value its speed and lower fees, as well as its commitment to maintaining a fair and decentralized network.
Overall, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin are both solid alternatives to Bitcoin for those looking for faster transaction processing times and lower fees. While Bitcoin Cash is focused on increasing the block size limit to improve scalability, Litecoin is focused on using a different mining algorithm to achieve similar results. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on individual needs and preferences, but both cryptocurrencies have strong communities and are worth considering.
User rating
Cryptogeek rating
Pontuação de Confiança
Como funciona
O Bitcoin Cash é o hard fork do Bitcoin mais popular proposto por Roger Ver em 2017 como uma solução para o problema de transações lentas na rede Bitcoin. A idéia era criar uma versão do Bitcoin que seria melhor para pagamentos, enquanto o Bitcoin original é considerado mais uma reserva de valor. O Bitcoin Cash tem um tamanho de bloco maior que o Bitcoin, portanto as transações dessa moeda são mais rápidas e baratas. Por outro lado, requer mais recursos para executar o nó completo do Bitcoin Cash, o que o torna mais vulnerável à centralização. O Bitcoin Cash rapidamente atraiu um grande número de seguidores e se tornou uma parte importante do mercado de criptomoedas. O BCH está disponível em muitas trocas e é suportado por vários serviços de criptografia. Desde o lançamento do projeto, ele nunca saiu do top 10.
O Litecoin foi criado em 2011 por um funcionário do Google, Charlie Lee. Atualmente, essa criptomoeda é uma das maiores em capitalização de mercado. O Litecoin foi criado como um dos primeiros garfos da blockchain Bitcoin. Além disso, é seguro dizer que o Litecoin é um dos primeiros altcoins. Enquanto o Bitcoin é baseado no algoritmo SHA-256, o Litecoin utiliza um algoritmo de criptografia mais leve.
Data de fundação
Public blockchain
Public blockchain
Preço atual (USD)
Recorde histórico (USD)
Mudança de Preço (24h)
Volume (24h)
Estoque Máximo
Oferta total
Estoque em Circulação
Velocidade de transação/ Tempo de Bloco
Taxa de transação
Rentabilidade de mineiração
Tipo de prova
Totalmente pré-definido
Endereço de contrato inteligente
Total de moedas extraídas
Está negociando
Recompensa de bloco
Hora do bloco
Sobre |
O Bitcoin Cash é o hard fork do Bitcoin mais popular proposto por Roger Ver em 2017 como uma solução para o problema de transações lentas na rede Bitcoin. A idéia era criar uma versão do Bitcoin que seria melhor para pagamentos, enquanto o Bitcoin original é considerado mais uma reserva de valor. O Bitcoin Cash tem um tamanho de bloco maior que o Bitcoin, portanto as transações dessa moeda são mais rápidas e baratas. Por outro lado, requer mais recursos para executar o nó completo do Bitcoin Cash, o que o torna mais vulnerável à centralização. O Bitcoin Cash rapidamente atraiu um grande número de seguidores e se tornou uma parte importante do mercado de criptomoedas. O BCH está disponível em muitas trocas e é suportado por vários serviços de criptografia. Desde o lançamento do projeto, ele nunca saiu do top 10.
O Litecoin foi criado em 2011 por um funcionário do Google, Charlie Lee. Atualmente, essa criptomoeda é uma das maiores em capitalização de mercado. O Litecoin foi criado como um dos primeiros garfos da blockchain Bitcoin. Além disso, é seguro dizer que o Litecoin é um dos primeiros altcoins. Enquanto o Bitcoin é baseado no algoritmo SHA-256, o Litecoin utiliza um algoritmo de criptografia mais leve.
Tipo |
Data de fundação |
Data de fundação
Data de fundação
País |
Idiomas |
Sem dados
Sem dados
Time |
Protocolo |
Public blockchain
Public blockchain
Preço atual (USD) |
Preço atual (USD)
Preço atual (USD)
Recorde histórico (USD) |
Recorde histórico (USD)
Recorde histórico (USD)
Mudança de Preço (24h) |
Mudança de Preço (24h)
Mudança de Preço (24h)
Volume (24h) |
Volume (24h)
Volume (24h)
Hashrate |
Estoque Máximo |
Estoque Máximo
Estoque Máximo
Oferta total |
Oferta total
Sem dados
Oferta total
Sem dados
Estoque em Circulação |
Estoque em Circulação
Estoque em Circulação
Velocidade de transação/ Tempo de Bloco |
Velocidade de transação/ Tempo de Bloco
Velocidade de transação/ Tempo de Bloco
Taxa de transação |
Taxa de transação
Sem dados
Taxa de transação
Sem dados
Rentabilidade de mineiração |
Rentabilidade de mineiração
Rentabilidade de mineiração
Algoritmo |
Tipo de prova |
Tipo de prova
Tipo de prova
Totalmente pré-definido |
Totalmente pré-definido
Sem dados
Totalmente pré-definido
Sem dados
Endereço de contrato inteligente |
Endereço de contrato inteligente
Sem dados
Endereço de contrato inteligente
Sem dados
Total de moedas extraídas |
Total de moedas extraídas
Total de moedas extraídas
Está negociando |
Está negociando
Está negociando
Recompensa de bloco |
Recompensa de bloco
Recompensa de bloco
Hora do bloco |
Hora do bloco
Hora do bloco
Highly Efficient
Easy To Acquire
Open-source Network
Transactions Fees
Branding Issues
Has some branding issues
User rating |
User rating
4.4 / 5
7 avaliações do usuário
User rating
5 / 5
5 avaliações do usuário
Cryptogeek rating |
Cryptogeek rating
4 / 5
Cryptogeek rating
3.4 / 5
Vantagens |
Highly Efficient
Easy To Acquire
Open-source Network
Transactions Fees
Desvantagens |
Branding Issues
Has some branding issues
A avaliação de Bitcoin Cash (BCH) usuários é de 4.4, com base em 7 avaliações de usuários. A avaliação de Litecoin (LTC) usuários é de 5, com base em 5 avaliações de usuários.
We also calculate the special Cryptogeek TrustScore based on the characteristics of each coin.
Escolha outras empresas
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Litecoin (LTC) are two popular cryptocurrencies that were created to address some of the shortcomings of Bitcoin. In this review, we will compare the features of these two cryptocurrencies and see how they differ.
History and Background
Bitcoin Cash was created in 2017 as a hard fork of Bitcoin. The main reason behind its creation was to increase the block size limit of Bitcoin, which was limiting the transaction processing speed and causing high transaction fees. Litecoin, on the other hand, was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee, a former Google engineer. It was designed to be a faster and cheaper alternative to Bitcoin, using a different algorithm for mining called Scrypt.
Technology and Features
Bitcoin Cash uses a block size of 32MB, which allows for faster transaction processing times and lower fees compared to Bitcoin. It also uses a different mining algorithm called SHA-256, which is the same as Bitcoin. Litecoin uses the Scrypt mining algorithm, which is less resource-intensive than SHA-256, making it easier for anyone with a computer to mine. It has a block time of 2.5 minutes, which is four times faster than Bitcoin's block time of 10 minutes.
Transaction Speed and Fees
Both Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin offer faster transaction processing times and lower fees compared to Bitcoin. Bitcoin Cash can handle up to 116 transactions per second, compared to Bitcoin's 7 transactions per second. Litecoin, on the other hand, can handle up to 56 transactions per second. The fees for both cryptocurrencies are also much lower than Bitcoin, with Bitcoin Cash fees averaging around $0.001 per transaction and Litecoin fees averaging around $0.01 per transaction.
Market Capitalization and Adoption
Bitcoin Cash currently has a market capitalization of around $11 billion, making it the 11th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Litecoin has a market capitalization of around $8 billion, making it the 16th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Both cryptocurrencies have seen significant adoption and can be used to purchase goods and services from a growing number of merchants.
Community and Development
Both Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin have active communities and development teams working to improve the technology and increase adoption. Bitcoin Cash has a strong following among those who believe in its vision of creating a more scalable and efficient version of Bitcoin. Litecoin has a strong following among those who value its speed and lower fees, as well as its commitment to maintaining a fair and decentralized network.
Overall, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin are both solid alternatives to Bitcoin for those looking for faster transaction processing times and lower fees. While Bitcoin Cash is focused on increasing the block size limit to improve scalability, Litecoin is focused on using a different mining algorithm to achieve similar results. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on individual needs and preferences, but both cryptocurrencies have strong communities and are worth considering.