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Bitcoin Plus (XBC) Review

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Auctus (AUC) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform.
比特币SV是比特币现金硬分叉,于2018年取代了比特币现金ABC。比特币SV的核心开发人员之一克雷格·赖特(Craig Wright)认为,比特币SV比比特币现金ABC更接近于比特币的最初想法。 Bitcoin SV的开发团队专注于快速交易。他们的目标是为比特币创造用例机会。比特币SV在数个著名的加密货币交易所的一系列退市中幸存下来,并设法保持了其在市场上的高位。比特币SV是市值排名前十的加密货币之一,其每日交易量与其竞争对手比特币现金ABC相似。
INTEXCOIN (INTX) is a blockchain-based trading project, they are launching sustainable solutions to reduce inequality, hunger, and poverty in the world. And “INTX” is turning some areas to DeFi, putting donations and decentralization on a common basis, and calling this trend DeDo (Decentralized Donation). DeDo was created as a concept first by “INTX”. DeDo is the general nomenclature of new generation sustainable social responsibility projects, based on the power of the Blockchain, its ideas and its combination of trust and transparency that it brings and the benefits provided by decentralized trade managed and developed by the community.