比特币现金是罗杰·维尔(Roger Ver)在2017年提出的最受欢迎的比特币硬叉,用于解决比特币网络交易缓慢的问题。这个想法是创建一个更好的支付方式的比特币版本,而原始比特币被更多地视为价值存储。比特币现金的块大小比比特币大,因此这种货币的交易更快,更便宜。另一方面,它需要更多资源来运行比特币现金的整个节点,这使其更易于集中化。
比特币现金迅速吸引了大量追随者,并成为加密货币市场的重要组成部分。 BCH可在许多交易所使用,并受到众多加密服务的支持。自项目启动以来,它从未离开过前十名。
Bitcoin cash has enough strength to be competitive with original bitcoin. It shows a lot of progress on the market. The privacy policy of the coin makes difficulties for the institutions to track down the users transactions. The coin has a great level of veracity and security.
BCH is a good decision for the long-term investments. I would say it will have stable price in the near future and we can except a good growth soon.