Bitcoin Cash (BCH) logo
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) logo

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Price and Reviews

Country: International
Launched: 2017
Market cap: $ 6,216,132,363.4193
Supply: 19,836,247.77165
Symbol: BCH
Price (USD): $ 313.3724
Volume 24h: $ 4,853,846.5182
Change 24h: -2.97%
Algorithm: SHA-256
Proof type: PoW
Max supply: 21,000,000.0
Total coins mined: 18,462,627.1468
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 6.25
Block time: 600.0
Expert Review
May 22, 2020

Bitcoin Cash is the most popular Bitcoin hard fork proposed by Roger Ver in 2017 as a solution to the problem of slow transactions in the Bitcoin network. The idea was to create a version of Bitcoin that would be better for payments, while original Bitcoin is considered more as a store of value. Bitcoin Cash has a bigger block size than Bitcoin so the transactions of this currency are faster and cheaper. On the other side, it requires more resources to run the full node of Bitcoin Cash which makes it more vulnerable to centralization.

Bitcoin Cash quickly attracted a huge following and became a prominent part of the cryptocurrency market. BCH is available on many exchanges and is supported by numerous crypto services. Since the launch of the project, it has never left the top 10.

Our Score
Transaction speed 4 / 5
Technology 4 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Investment potential 3 / 5
Reputation 5 / 5
Our Score
4 / 5
Pros and Cons


Highly Efficient

Easy To Acquire


Branding Issues

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User reviews
Brandon Wade 6 September 2019

Bitcoin cash has enough strength to be competitive with original bitcoin. It shows a lot of progress on the market. The privacy policy of the coin makes difficulties for the institutions to track down the users transactions. The coin has a great level of veracity and security.

Lin 6 September 2019

BCH is a good decision for the long-term investments. I would say it will have stable price in the near future and we can except a good growth soon.

Country: International
Launched: 2017
Market cap: $ 6,216,132,363.4193
Supply: 19,836,247.77165
Symbol: BCH
Price (USD): $ 313.3724
Volume 24h: $ 4,853,846.5182
Change 24h: -2.97%
Algorithm: SHA-256
Proof type: PoW
Max supply: 21,000,000.0
Total coins mined: 18,462,627.1468
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 6.25
Block time: 600.0
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