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Bithumb is a cryptocurrency exchange that is based in Seoul, South Korea. The platform was founded in 2013. It allows users to buy, sell, and store various cryptocurrencies. In South Korea, Bithumb is one of the largest exchanges, and it boasts some of the biggest crypto trading volumes.
YoBit is a cryptocurrency exchange with a large number of coins, including new altcoins just released on ICO. Among the pairs, there are both cryptocurrency and fiat. YoBit supports all major, top-end coins, most forks of major currencies are supported, as well as numerous little-known currencies, among which there are once popular, and old unsuccessful, and new little-known, and tokens of recent ICOs. YoBit was founded in the summer of 2014, and trading became available in early January 2015. is a crypto trading platform which integrates with any crypto exchange and gives superpowers to traders.