Golpes NFT comuns e dicas de segurança

Golpes NFT comuns e dicas de segurança
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Feb 03, 2023 135
Golpes NFT comuns e dicas de segurança

Com o rápido avanço da tecnologia blockchain e o aumento da Popularidade do NFT nos últimos anos, programadores, gamers, artistas e até adolescentes têm mais oportunidades.

Infelizmente, artistas falsos e outros fraudadores que procuram lucro também notaram novas oportunidades. NFTs pode operar em vários blockchains, mas são amplamente centrados no blockchain Ethereum. Normalmente apontando para um arquivo de imagem, eles atuam como um certificado digital para um único objeto. Compreender como reconhecer e evitar fraudes tornou-se crucial devido ao risco de perda financeira.

Este artigo inclui conselhos sobre como evitar golpes NFT comuns, bem como uma lista completa dos tipos de golpes NFT. A nossa investigação sobre as fraudes NFT fornece informações sobre fraudes que têm perseguido o sector desde a sua estreia.

Mercados Falsos

Esta categoria inclui mercados e carteiras falsos que imitam os legítimos que são frequentemente distribuídos através de vários canais, como fóruns, e-mails, redes sociais e outros. O engano reside nas diferenças sutis no layout ou URL do site que tornam difícil para os usuários distinguir entre empresas falsas e confiáveis. Isso pode resultar em usuários desavisados sendo enganados e seus ativos em risco.

Ofertas Falsas

Quando a criptomoeda com a qual você listou seus produtos sofre uma alteração, isso pode levar a um golpe de oferta. Isso acontece quando um potencial comprador coloca o lance mais alto sem informá-lo.

Este golpe acontece ao vender o seu trabalho no mercado secundário, para que possa ser vítima de ofertas falsas. Isso ocorre quando um comprador se oferece para pagar 1 USD em vez do 1 ETH acordado pelo seu trabalho.

Suporte Técnico Falso

Em plataformas de mídia social relacionadas a projetos de token não fungíveis, os golpistas geralmente se apresentam como representantes de atendimento ao cliente para roubar ativos armazenados nas carteiras dos usuários, obtendo suas chaves privadas.

Giveaway Scam

Os golpes de doação são uma forma de engano em que os fraudadores se apresentam como uma bolsa respeitável ou uma figura bem conhecida para sediar um concurso falso. Eles solicitam que uma certa quantidade de bitcoin seja enviada a eles em troca de uma chance de ganhar metade do "sorteio". No entanto, uma vez que os fundos são enviados, eles não podem ser recuperados devido à natureza irreversível das transações de bitcoin, permitindo que os golpistas lucrem.

Tapete Puxa

Os golpes de puxar tapetes ganharam notoriedade por sua capacidade de passar despercebidos até que seja tarde demais. Os fraudadores geram entusiasmo em torno de um projeto para atrair investimentos e, de repente, abandonam-no, semelhante às táticas de bombear e despejar. Muitas vezes o fazem depois de terem drenado os fundos dos investidores, depois desaparecem das redes sociais e removem todo o dinheiro das suas carteiras.

NFTs Falsificados

O proprietário de uma obra de arte não é equivalente a possuir o original ou ter controle sobre os direitos de propriedade intelectual de uma obra de arte. Qualquer imagem pode ser transformada em arte em plataformas como o OpenSea, mesmo que você não possua os direitos sobre ela. Indivíduos enganosos podem explorar isso reproduzindo NFTs do trabalho de outro usuário, enganando os compradores fazendo-os acreditar que estão adquirindo obras de arte autênticas e, em seguida, vendendo a imitação no mercado. Uma vez que o engano é exposto, o trabalho falso perde completamente o seu valor.

Bomba e descarga

Os golpistas recorrem a estratégias de bombeamento e despejo para aumentar artificialmente o preço de sua coleção com a intenção de obter lucro. Para conseguir isso, eles publicam várias ofertas em rápida sucessão para despertar entusiasmo com a queda. Quando os preços atingem um certo ponto, os golpistas vendem suas participações, deixando os compradores desavisados com as obras de arte pelas quais pagaram em excesso.

Como você se protege de golpes NFT?

Este guia foi criado para ajudá-lo a se defender contra golpes NFT, aprendendo a identificá-los e evitá-los. As etapas essenciais a ter em mente incluem a verificação de links e Sites, a realização de pesquisas de fundo, a verificação da moeda transacional e o uso apenas de contas verificadas. É crucial não fornecer senhas e examinar cuidadosamente o histórico de transações e os dados da carteira de uma coleção antes de comprá-la. Verifique o número de transações e compradores em plataformas como o OpenSea para maior segurança contra fraudes de bombeamento e despejo. Entre em contato com o artista através das redes sociais para obter mais segurança.

É necessário proceder a uma investigação de fundo fundamental e confirmar a autenticidade da fonte. O próximo passo é verificar se o site é legítimo e se o histórico da conta do vendedor é confiável.

Verificar a moeda transacional antes de iniciar as transações ajudará a evitar fraudes.

Para evitar o falso golpe de suporte, certifique-se de acessar apenas um canal específico do telegram ou servidor do Discord através da página ou site oficial de um criador.

Você pode evitar fraudes falsas, garantindo que qualquer trabalho que você compra em um mercado seja de uma conta verificada.


Fraude os incidentes surgem cada vez com mais frequência à medida que o ecossistema se desenvolve e cresce. É crucial educar-se sobre as estratégias que os golpistas usam no mercado e acompanhar as leis e os desenvolvimentos tecnológicos mais recentes do setor, se quisermos nos proteger desses esquemas. Apesar do facto de que Golpes NFT estão se tornando comuns, existem precauções que você pode tomar para proteger seus ativos. Em primeiro lugar, você deve proteger sua carteira de hackers e nunca divulgar suas chaves privadas. É aconselhável estabelecer a sua conta numa carteira fiável para reduzir ainda mais a possibilidade de ser vítima de sites comerciais obscuros. Há uma série de Carteiras disponível para você escolher.

As opiniões e avaliações expressas no texto são as do autor do artigo e podem não representar a posição da Cryptogeek. Não se esqueça de que investir em criptomoedas e negociar na bolsa está associado a risco. Antes de tomar decisões, faça sua própria pesquisa de mercado e dos produtos de seu interesse.

Lucy Mills
26 July 2023
General salutation to you all reading this article, i am Lucia Mills by name and I'm here to advise crypto investors who discovered or find out that they have been scammed to urgently contact alienwizbot.wixsite.com/alien-wizbot or Whats App +16262 645164 for emergency recovery help, they are very serious with what they do and they give the best, very understanding set of cyber guru's and professionals, i assure you with my life that no one has ever been disappointed while hiring Alien Wizbot, they are always perfect and reliable unlike others who scammed me while i was trying to get help, Alien Wizbot is the best and reliable.

Rina Rodrigo
25 July 2023
Good day to you all, Crypto Recovery Scam has gone viral and i'm here to share my experience with alienwizbot.wixsite.com/alien-wizbot who i meant after being scammed by 4 different impersonators hacker online, i was very scared to trust anyone, i had to give it a try with alien wizbot after so much thought about it and it happens that with the help of alien Wizbot i got back my $276k scammed funds from the fake trading company i invested with. All thanks to Alien Wizbot. WhatsApp +16262645164

Rina Rodrigo
25 July 2023
Good day to you all, Crypto Recovery Scam has gone viral and i'm here to share my experience with alienwizbot.wixsite.com/alien-wizbot who i meant after being scammed by 4 different impersonators hacker online, i was very scared to trust anyone, i had to give it a try with alien wizbot after so much thought about it and it happens that with the help of alien Wizbot i got back my $276k scammed funds from the fake trading company i invested with. All thanks to Alien Wizbot. WhatsApp +16262645164

Nr Whitney Morris
24 July 2023
Cyber crime has taken over the internet, the rate of fake testimonies on crypto recovery over the internet is unbearable and this has made a lot of real companies to be seen as evil, i'm writing this to help terminate fake reviews, i have been scammed by 4 different fake hacker and i want to reveal the real hacker who finally did my job and recovered my scammed funds for me, a big thanks to alienwizbot.wixsite.com/alien-wizbot don't fail to reach out to them for help, they are the trusted once cause i have personally used their services and i was very much satisfied with allen@ alienwizbot .com

22 July 2023
I lost $214,000 to an online scammer last month through cryptocurrency Bitcoin transactions, I tried all I could to get the money back at a point I Came across an expert recovery agent Mr.Kevin through bitcoin abuse with his Email: kevinhustle61@gmail.com‬, who had also helped a lot of people in getting back their funds, I got in contact with him and I provided all information he needed for the recovery within 48hours he got back my money, I confirmed the payment in my wallet account, I can’t stop thanking him.

Pookie Queen
21 July 2023
I was scammed by an Instagram person faking a celebrity I talked with this scammer 8 months via WhatsApp and I sent money to them via Bitcoin then I was cohered to give my banking login and from there they hustled me out of my 20k from the unemployment money they said oh I routed cash to your account and never gave me time to verify that was my unemployment money. They were really patient with me and waited 8 months for my payment then I exposed them...by video on WhatsApp. They asked me to Bitcoin the money via atm. But for the timely intervention of Mr. Wizard Brixton, who just in kick-off on time got back my $20,000. He is really good at what he does, I have recommended him to friends and co-workers who all became satisfied customers. He has helped me a lot in the trading industry, you can reach him at WIZARDBRIXTON AT GMAIL DOT COM for Everything. Hacking and Funds Recovering He is the best and has different skills in fund recovering and exposing scammers. I am glad and happy to recover back my money (WIZARDBRIXTON)AT GMAIL DOT COM

Bruce david
18 July 2023
I want to make an advice
Do not trade with platform you don't know I about and even if you are sure of it don't trade more than you can afford to loss.
I lost a lot trading with a scam broker who I tend to give a better profit return
I was able to recover $28,500 from them with the guidance of Jeff silbert a recovery expert. Reach out to Jeff for assistance into a better trade and how tao recover from previous loses
WhatsApp +84 94 767 1524.
Email: jeffsilbert39 gmail com.

15 July 2023
I’m very excited to speak about Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, this cyber security company was able to assist me in recovering my stolen digital funds and cryptocurrency. I’m truly amazed by their excellent service and professional work. I never thought I could get back my funds until I approached them with my problems and provided all the necessary information. It took them 72 hours to recover my funds and I was amazed. Without any doubt, I highly recommend Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery for all your cryptocurrency recovery, digital funds recovery, hacking, and cybersecurity-related issues.

Email: eliterecovery247@cyber-wizard.com

Phone: +1 (740) 688-0116

Jay Doris
14 July 2023

Am here to testify about the handwork of A Great Verified Hacker ( Mr Morris Gray )Who helped me recover back my lost funds from the hands of scammers who Ripped me off my money and made me helpless, I could not afford to pay my bills after the whole incident, But a friend of mine helped me out by given me the contact info of trusted Recovery Expert, his email: Morris gray 830 @ gmail . com contact him or chat him up on (+1- /607-69 )8-0239 ) and he will help you recover your lost funds If you have been a victim of any binary/ cryptocurrency or online scam, Mobile spy, Mobile Hack contact this Trusted and Verified hacker, He is highly recommendable and was efficient in getting my lost funds back, 11btc of my lost funds was refunded back with his help, He is the Best in Hacking jobs, contact him ( MORRIS GRAY 830 AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM.….

13 July 2023
This thing about scam is really not being given enough attention as it should. I was the victim of an investment scam just a months ago and I lost everything, down to my last penny. I met the scammer on a dating site and they made me invest my last dime on a scam exchange, that's how everything vanished. well not until my colleague introduced me to this hacker who helped her with a similar issue and he helped me recover everything that was scammed from me, and he submitted the scammers information to the authorities, just a few months later I heard they were arrested in 2 countries. I recommend anyone who has similar issue to try them, nobody deserve to lose their life savings. this is their contact below. Text (262) 249-6881‬

8 July 2023
Trying to recover your lost money from any Online scammer is not always easy as we all thought, I realised this year when a recovery Company called Alister Recovery helped us recover about 70% of the total money we lost to an online Cryptocurrency Trading Scam . Alister Recovery (alisterrecovery @ gmail com) always tells us to be patient and we were patient during the investigation and followed all the recovery steps. Now, My husband and I are financially happy again. No more loss. I recommend this company for any chargeback issues. Thank you.

James blood
5 July 2023
I got myself involve in trading with an unregulated binary option broker company , my total asset was withheld for no reason, I paid several fees for this but still couldn’t get my funds, I had to file a case report to Gavin ray a well known recovery specialist who help in recovering back all scammed crypto from any scam companies provided you have the right information, he was able to restore all my asset .get in touch with Gavin on mail Gavinray78@gmail. com or WhatsApp +1 352 322 2096, he’s highly recommended.

Luke Curry
30 June 2023

Hello everyone, I was a victim of bitcoin scam, I saw a glamorous review showering praises and marketing an investment firm, I reached out to them on their terms of investments and invested $155,000 which I was promised to get my first 15% profit in weeks, when it’s time to retire my profits, I got to know the company was bogus, they kept asking me to invest more and I ran out of patience then requested to have my money back, they refused to answer nor refund my funds, not until an old family friend introduced me to Ultimate Hacker Jerry, I reached out and after submitting my case, Ultimate Hacker Jerry was swift to action and within 36 hours I got back my funds with the due profit. I couldn’t contain the joy in me. I urge you guys to reach out to Ultimate Hacker Jerry on their support email: (Ultimatehackerjerry@seznam. cz) or WhatsAp +1(520)2 827,151 )

and don"t forget to mention Luke curry Recommended you

24 June 2023
i was able to recover my lost funds with the information on my headline. i was a victim to some online trading scam and they made me lose almost all i have but am happy jeff was able to help me and if you need help from him as well reach out to the above contact info. Visit their website LFrescue org or WhatsApp +84 94 767 1524.

Michael Hamman
22 June 2023
Losing money can be awful. It has a tendency to send you into a downward spiral of despair, which is exactly what happened to me. I invested money in a platform, and everything seemed legitimate up to the point when I realized I had been deceived. I was depressed for days before a friend mentioned that he knew of a platform that could help. I gave them a chance despite my reluctance, and it ended up being the best choice I've ever made. My money was promptly returned. Please exercise caution and make sure you are aware of what you are investing in. If you find yourself in a situation similar to mine, you can file an email complaint -  support @ deftrecoup . com.

Janit Sivertsen
21 June 2023
Don't let the self-written recommendations you see everywhere fool you. I am aware of the struggles I faced prior to writing an email to (support @ deftrecoup. c o m) in order to receive my money back in my wallet.

17 June 2023
( MorrisGray830 At gmail Dot Com, is the man for the job ) This man is dedicated to his work and you can trust him more than yourself. I contacted him a year and a half Ago and he didn’t succeed. when i got ripped of $491,000 worth of bitcoins by scammers, I tried several recovery programs with no success too. I kept on. And now after so much time Mr Morris Gray contacted me with a success, and the reward he took was small because obviously he is doing this because he wants to help idiots like me who fell for crypto scam, and love his job. Of course he could have taken all the coins and not tell me , I was not syncing this wallet for a year, but he didn’t. He is the MAN guys , He is! If you have been a victim of crypto scam before you can trust Morris Gray 10000000%. I thought there were no such good genuine guys anymore on earth, but Mr Morris Gray brought my trust to humanity again. GOD bless you sir…you can reach him via ( MORRIS GRAY 830 at Gmaill dot com ) or Whatsapp +1 (607)698-0239..

13 June 2023
I lost $214,000 to an online scammer last month through crypto currency Bitcoin transactions, I tried all I could to get the money back at a point I Came across an expert recovery agent Mr.Kevin through bitcoin abuse with his Email: kevinhustle61@gmail.com‬, who had also helped a lot of people in getting back their funds, I got in contact with him and I provided all information he needed for the recovery within 48hours he got back my money, I confirmed the payment in my wallet account, I can’t stop thanking him. 772 228 4411

2 June 2023
In the most recent time, Digital trading ( forex, crypto and option ) according to statistic is the best way to earn money working from home. But scammers have made it hard for anyone to benefit from trading, thanks to Mr.Gavin who helped me recover all my lost funds in forex trading including my profits. I met gavinray a honest man. I will advice you reach out to ray via email on gavinray78 gmail com

Rebecca Gobea
26 May 2023
Cryptocurrency losses are excruciatingly unpleasant. Fortunately, I came across deftrecoup. c o m, and they were able to recover the wallet and grant me access to my account once more. In my situation, I sent to the wrong address, and it was one of the worst things that had ever happened to me.