Golpes NFT comuns e dicas de segurança

Golpes NFT comuns e dicas de segurança
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Feb 03, 2023 138
Golpes NFT comuns e dicas de segurança

Com o rápido avanço da tecnologia blockchain e o aumento da Popularidade do NFT nos últimos anos, programadores, gamers, artistas e até adolescentes têm mais oportunidades.

Infelizmente, artistas falsos e outros fraudadores que procuram lucro também notaram novas oportunidades. NFTs pode operar em vários blockchains, mas são amplamente centrados no blockchain Ethereum. Normalmente apontando para um arquivo de imagem, eles atuam como um certificado digital para um único objeto. Compreender como reconhecer e evitar fraudes tornou-se crucial devido ao risco de perda financeira.

Este artigo inclui conselhos sobre como evitar golpes NFT comuns, bem como uma lista completa dos tipos de golpes NFT. A nossa investigação sobre as fraudes NFT fornece informações sobre fraudes que têm perseguido o sector desde a sua estreia.

Mercados Falsos

Esta categoria inclui mercados e carteiras falsos que imitam os legítimos que são frequentemente distribuídos através de vários canais, como fóruns, e-mails, redes sociais e outros. O engano reside nas diferenças sutis no layout ou URL do site que tornam difícil para os usuários distinguir entre empresas falsas e confiáveis. Isso pode resultar em usuários desavisados sendo enganados e seus ativos em risco.

Ofertas Falsas

Quando a criptomoeda com a qual você listou seus produtos sofre uma alteração, isso pode levar a um golpe de oferta. Isso acontece quando um potencial comprador coloca o lance mais alto sem informá-lo.

Este golpe acontece ao vender o seu trabalho no mercado secundário, para que possa ser vítima de ofertas falsas. Isso ocorre quando um comprador se oferece para pagar 1 USD em vez do 1 ETH acordado pelo seu trabalho.

Suporte Técnico Falso

Em plataformas de mídia social relacionadas a projetos de token não fungíveis, os golpistas geralmente se apresentam como representantes de atendimento ao cliente para roubar ativos armazenados nas carteiras dos usuários, obtendo suas chaves privadas.

Giveaway Scam

Os golpes de doação são uma forma de engano em que os fraudadores se apresentam como uma bolsa respeitável ou uma figura bem conhecida para sediar um concurso falso. Eles solicitam que uma certa quantidade de bitcoin seja enviada a eles em troca de uma chance de ganhar metade do "sorteio". No entanto, uma vez que os fundos são enviados, eles não podem ser recuperados devido à natureza irreversível das transações de bitcoin, permitindo que os golpistas lucrem.

Tapete Puxa

Os golpes de puxar tapetes ganharam notoriedade por sua capacidade de passar despercebidos até que seja tarde demais. Os fraudadores geram entusiasmo em torno de um projeto para atrair investimentos e, de repente, abandonam-no, semelhante às táticas de bombear e despejar. Muitas vezes o fazem depois de terem drenado os fundos dos investidores, depois desaparecem das redes sociais e removem todo o dinheiro das suas carteiras.

NFTs Falsificados

O proprietário de uma obra de arte não é equivalente a possuir o original ou ter controle sobre os direitos de propriedade intelectual de uma obra de arte. Qualquer imagem pode ser transformada em arte em plataformas como o OpenSea, mesmo que você não possua os direitos sobre ela. Indivíduos enganosos podem explorar isso reproduzindo NFTs do trabalho de outro usuário, enganando os compradores fazendo-os acreditar que estão adquirindo obras de arte autênticas e, em seguida, vendendo a imitação no mercado. Uma vez que o engano é exposto, o trabalho falso perde completamente o seu valor.

Bomba e descarga

Os golpistas recorrem a estratégias de bombeamento e despejo para aumentar artificialmente o preço de sua coleção com a intenção de obter lucro. Para conseguir isso, eles publicam várias ofertas em rápida sucessão para despertar entusiasmo com a queda. Quando os preços atingem um certo ponto, os golpistas vendem suas participações, deixando os compradores desavisados com as obras de arte pelas quais pagaram em excesso.

Como você se protege de golpes NFT?

Este guia foi criado para ajudá-lo a se defender contra golpes NFT, aprendendo a identificá-los e evitá-los. As etapas essenciais a ter em mente incluem a verificação de links e Sites, a realização de pesquisas de fundo, a verificação da moeda transacional e o uso apenas de contas verificadas. É crucial não fornecer senhas e examinar cuidadosamente o histórico de transações e os dados da carteira de uma coleção antes de comprá-la. Verifique o número de transações e compradores em plataformas como o OpenSea para maior segurança contra fraudes de bombeamento e despejo. Entre em contato com o artista através das redes sociais para obter mais segurança.

É necessário proceder a uma investigação de fundo fundamental e confirmar a autenticidade da fonte. O próximo passo é verificar se o site é legítimo e se o histórico da conta do vendedor é confiável.

Verificar a moeda transacional antes de iniciar as transações ajudará a evitar fraudes.

Para evitar o falso golpe de suporte, certifique-se de acessar apenas um canal específico do telegram ou servidor do Discord através da página ou site oficial de um criador.

Você pode evitar fraudes falsas, garantindo que qualquer trabalho que você compra em um mercado seja de uma conta verificada.


Fraude os incidentes surgem cada vez com mais frequência à medida que o ecossistema se desenvolve e cresce. É crucial educar-se sobre as estratégias que os golpistas usam no mercado e acompanhar as leis e os desenvolvimentos tecnológicos mais recentes do setor, se quisermos nos proteger desses esquemas. Apesar do facto de que Golpes NFT estão se tornando comuns, existem precauções que você pode tomar para proteger seus ativos. Em primeiro lugar, você deve proteger sua carteira de hackers e nunca divulgar suas chaves privadas. É aconselhável estabelecer a sua conta numa carteira fiável para reduzir ainda mais a possibilidade de ser vítima de sites comerciais obscuros. Há uma série de Carteiras disponível para você escolher.

As opiniões e avaliações expressas no texto são as do autor do artigo e podem não representar a posição da Cryptogeek. Não se esqueça de que investir em criptomoedas e negociar na bolsa está associado a risco. Antes de tomar decisões, faça sua própria pesquisa de mercado e dos produtos de seu interesse.

Kellen klan
4 September 2023
I cant believe this, Leeultimatehacker just help me to recover my BTC wallet that I was told I could never recover again. This is the best thing that has happened to me. A very big thank you to Leeultimatehacker@aol.com

Maureen Foote
2 September 2023
Bitcoin and Crypto Scam Recovery Expert Captain WebGenesis.

I could never believe Bitcoin recovery is real, Till I worked with Captain WebGenesis, a competent Crypto recovery specialist I discovered through his positive reviews of how he helped scammed victims recover their lost investments. I had lost a considerable sum of funds through a bogus investment platform I discovered online close to $548,000. I took no delay and got in touch with Captain WebGenesis, the Expert immediately looked into my case and after providing all the required information in a span of 8 Hours all my lost investment was recovered back to my Wallet. I must appreciate him for helping me recover my funds from these crooks. With the right approach and assistance by Captain WebGenesis you can recover your lost funds. You can reach Captain WebGenesis Through;


Barrister Richard
1 September 2023
I feel like giving up whenever I think about how I was scammed by these online crypto investors who are liars, they scammed me of my money and I felt so bad about that, I hate liars I discussed these issues with one of my friends and he told me he had been in this kind of a situation before but he met a good hacker agency that recovers all his money. Immediately he told me about the Adrian Lamo Hacker Agency I quickly email them and they got all my money recovered I felt like I was dreaming until I saw all my money in my account. I was very happy and excited I got my money back because I never thought I could get my money back. I do advise anyone in this type of a situation to worry no more and consult Adrian Lamo Hacker
via email: Adrianlamo@consultant.com

Daniel Maxwell
29 August 2023
I was so anxiuos to know what my wife was always doing late outside the house so i started contacting hackers and was scamed severly until i almost gave up then i contacted this one hacker and he delivered a good job showing evidences i needed from the apps on her phone like whatsapp,facebook,instagram and others and i went ahead to file my divorce papers with the evidences i got,He also went ahead to get me back some of my lost money i sent to those other fake hackers,every dollar i spent on these jobs was worth it.Contact him so he also help you. mail: premiumhackservices@gmail.com text or call +1 4106350697

Anna macko
28 August 2023
I invested online to an unregulated broker company which I got stuck having challenges of making withdrawal of my investment profit ,I got in touch with a recovery specialist called Gavin Ray and I sent him all he needed to place a Recovery of my funds from the broker company and I got a call by the bank confirming the payment in my account,quick satisfaction on every successful withdrawals with him, on gmail: gavinray78 @ gmail. com or WhatsApp ‪+1 (3 52) 322 ‑20 9 6

27 August 2023
While i was trading on Bitcoin on the 10th of May of 2023, I unexpectedly lost my $215,000,! I was frustrated and had no idea on how to recover back my lost funds? I did an extensive research on how to recover stolen Bitcoin funds and I came across several referrals and Ads that had gotten help from `leeultimatehacker@aol.com I made contact and I was actually very impressed with the service that i got, not only did I recover back my $215,000, I also got back my hacked social media accounts,If you ever run into such a nerve racking situation don't stress out just contact
leeultimatehacker@aol.com for all your hacking problems rest assured you will recover everything you lost.

26 August 2023
I was duped some I regulated platform, but I wish I had not even paid credence to them. I lost a lot to them because they're not real. I am thankful for the opportunity to receive aid by Mr Jeff through his mail Jeffsilbert39 @ gmail. com. He supported me through reclaiming what I lost to them with little effort on my parts. Thank again, Jeff. You could also WhatsApp him privately at +.8,.4., 9.,4., 7,.6.,7, 1.,5..2,,4.

Oscar Kevins
26 August 2023
Do you need help to spy on someone or something? Are you worried about a cheating partner or spouse? Find out and catch a cheating partner with facts and evidence to back it up, do you need help recover lost or stolen passwords, track and monitor GPS location, etc.; for all your spy and hack related services; find ( wizardbrixton at Gmail dot com ) on the internet for help and solution to all your spy and hack needs, Social media hacks Find them on online using your desktop or PC via your browsers URL box. They are the best, services rendered is 100% guaranteed to contact them on ( wizardbrixton at Gmail dot com )

Oscar Kevins
26 August 2023
Do you need help to spy on someone or something? Are you worried about a cheating partner or spouse? Find out and catch a cheating partner with facts and evidence to back it up, do you need help recover lost or stolen passwords, track and monitor GPS location, etc.; for all your spy and hack related services; find ( wizardbrixton at Gmail dot com ) on the internet for help and solution to all your spy and hack needs, Social media hacks Find them on online using your desktop or PC via your browsers URL box. They are the best, services rendered is 100% guaranteed to contact them on ( wizardbrixton at Gmail dot com )

26 August 2023
Have you invested in the wrong platform, fake binary option or even fake forex trade, you do not need to worry as Sean and the team can help out in getting your scammed funds back. We have had many instances whereby people lost their hard earned funds to online fake investment platforms and we have recovered all back into their safety provided you have all the necessary information needed in recovering your scammed funds. If you are in need of any help recovering your scammed funds, contact Sean now via email Cybercryptogetback(at)gmail(dot)com.

Frank Thompson
21 August 2023

Sometimes in July, I got duped by a fake cryptocurrency investment website name legalcoininvestment.com which is now unreachable of about $235,000. I got lured into investing on this platform with the intent of earning 25percent of my investment monthly as profit. I thought it was a good project as they got many referrals on the internet not knowing I was just about to enrich a stranger. They took my funds and left me with nothing so I got disturbed. I searched the web to find a legitimate and genuine assets recovery personnel. After several searches I found RECOVERYBUREAUC @ GMAIL COM who has many truthful reviews on the internet describing his recovery services and how well he has helped several victims of internet theft retrieved their funds. I speedily contacted this expert at RecoveryBureauC@gmail.com and hired him. He gave me few instructions and told me about the recovery procedure which I obliged. To my greatest surprise my funds got retrieved totally within few hours I hired him, this is the best service I ever got on the internet. If you need similar assistance on how to recover your stolen assets, send a detailed report of your case to this firm now for a spot on assistance. 


WhatsApp: +56 9 3325 4446

Alex Sanchez
21 August 2023
Investing in cryptocurrency requires you understand how cryptocurrency market and investment works. Last month I lost about $355k worth BTC and USDT to a fraudulent investment website due to ignorance after I got lured with a 25percent profit on my investment but turned out to be a deceit. I became worried looking for a way out of my nightmare then I searched the internet for a genuine recovery expert and I found RECOVERYBUREAUC @ GMAIL, C0M whom I hired. To my greatest surprise within few hours I contacted the expert he retrieved the first tranche of my stolen funds and the remaining subsequently. I’m forever grateful for this amazing assistance cause he saved me from getting bankrupted. He’s the real deal!!!

James blood
19 August 2023
I got myself involve in trading with this unregulated binary option broker company , my total asset was withheld for no reason, I paid several fees for this but still couldn’t get my funds, I had to file a case report to Gavin ray a well known recovery specialist who help in recovering back all scammed crypto from any scam companies provided you have the right information, he was able to restore all my asset .get in touch with Gavin on mail Gavinray78@gmail. com or WhatsApp +1 352 322 2096, he’s highly recommended.

isha Lewis
18 August 2023

Do not use this company. They have zero knowledge of trading, after being in a hedge for 5 months in which they continued to buy and sell low yesterday they closed out all the trades losing hundreds of thousands of pounds without giving anyone an option to trade it out themselves. but I was lucky to be saved with the help of drew wake, Helped me recover my lost funds. get in touch with Drew wake

drewwake . jtbtech at 9mail . c0m 
+86 18 97 03 77 491

Jeo Batilome
18 August 2023
My advice to newbies in the crypto world is to consider alternative investment options. I speak from personal experience, having been involved with three different investment platforms in the past, all of which turned out to be fraudulent websites. As a result, I lost a significant amount totaling around half a million pounds. When I shared this unfortunate news with my wife, she was understandably upset that I hadn't discussed the investment plan with her earlier, as we have always been open and transparent with each other throughout our marriage. She didn't speak to me for several days, leaving me feeling confused and unsure about what to do next. Desperate for a solution, I sought the help of a private investigator who referred me to an underground hacking group that specializes in assisting people in recovering their funds from similar situations. Through ongoing communication on telegram with the user Melissa_Fx_recvrfirm , we worked together to achieve a successful outcome, and I am thrilled to say that I have now received my funds. Moreover, I am grateful to share that my wife and I have mended our relationship and are on speaking terms once again, which brings a smile to my face. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, you may find the contact details of the hacker helpful. Below Email/whtp.
drewwake. jtbtech at gmail. c0m
+86 18
97 0
3 77

Rick Lee Mutoshi
17 August 2023
I'm Mr Rick Lee Mutoshi from Alberta, Canada.
I invested the sum of $25k on a crypto exchange trading platform with a guarantee of 250% returns, two months after my capital deposit i ended up realizing i have spend more than just my invested capital all in the hope that am getting 250% return which i have not been able to access on the trade platform due to my withdraw denial by the exchange, i discover i have been scammed of $413k, i tried all i could to get back my funds but i couldn't get a help so i felt i lost it all until i discover alien wizbot who i decided to contact for the last trial time and it happened that with him i was able to have my funds back. All thanks to the alien wizbot.

14 August 2023
I saw a reviews about how to hire a hacker to recover stolen bitcoin by Amy Victor she said her 83000usdt was recovered by Santoshi Hacker, I cupid their contact given by testimony Amy Victor I mailed to the hacker and asked if they have an ideas how I can unlocked my blocked crypto wallet got a reply less than hour and I was told to state my case and give a screenshot of my evidence I did all that trust me friends a new private key was generated to gain access to my wallet my blocked crypto wallets is unlock now. I really want you all to pay attention to Santoshi hacker is a good hacker with some patients, one thing am sure of Santoshi hacker can retrieve your cryptocurrencies accounts wallet lost to scammers back to your wallet ,list of things you should trust this hacker for lost of passwords, they can reclaim your lost crypto currency, consult Santoshi hacker to get your accounts fixed or retrieve lost money back from scammers they can help you trace fake investments companies trying to scam you.
website of Santoshi Hacker and other sites you can reach out to them.
Email: santoshihacker@hotmail.com
for retrieving I we always recommend Santoshi Hacker.

Matthew Alden
13 August 2023
I'm a victim of the LIQULDOHN cryptocurrency investment scam, I was asked to deposit £700 which I did and it tripled to £2200 within 1 hour. That got my interest, The next deposit was £3,500 and my profit shot up to £18,200. I was amazed at how little money can make you crazy profits. I invested more and more. When I tried to cash out, I was asked to pay taxes and other complicated fees. My profits had accumulated to £531,000 as it would show on the trading website but I could not access it. By the time it got to me that the company is illegitimate, l had already lost a total of £190,000. I decided to do proper research about the company to ease my fears that I might have been conned and that's when I found out that they have been stealing from harmless Americans and individuals around the globe. While reading more about the company in pain, I stumbled upon a United States veteran article on how this same fake crypto investment website took his money but was able to recover it back from them with the help of an Ethical hacker. I inquired more about this Ethical hacker and that's when I was introduced to CYBER GENIE HACK-PRO. I am writing this positive review to affirm that, Recovering stolen Bitcoin from scammers is real and can be achieved when done by the right expert. If by any means you are a victim of a Crypto Investment scam and wish to get your funds and profits back, I highly recommend (Cybergenie(@)Cyberservices(.)Com) OR (Whatsapp (+1252) 5120391), you know why, I am living testimony of their greatness.   

Priyanka Raj
10 August 2023
Everything occurred so quickly. I was at work one morning when I received an email from blockchain asking me to verify my wallet address for safety reasons, which I did thinking it was the appropriate blockchain email address sending the mail to me. I then clicked a file that was attached to the email, that's when everything went wrong. My personal computer collapsed for a brief period, and then I got an alert that my Bitcoin had been submitted into a different wallet. I tried emailing the blockchain support since I was so enraged and perplexed to see if there was any chance I could get my bitcoins back, but they stated there was nothing they could do. I gave up on it for a little period of time. I was informed that I could actually find Bitcoin with the aid of a hacker. I requested assistance from jamesmckaywizard who was introduced to me through a colleague. They only required the information from my own wallet. The money was found in my wallet in less than 4 working days, and it turned out that the intruder had already spent some of it, leaving me with only about 53,820.00 bitcoins. I'm still pleased and happy, jamesmckaywizard@gmail.com deserves every bit of praise for the fantastic job they did. They are influential on WhatsApp and email. jamesmckaywizard@gmail.com or What'sapp +919863293475

shedrack Avi
10 August 2023
Is it possible for scam victims to receive their money back? Yes, if you have been a victim of a fraud from an unregulated investing platform or any other scam, you may be able to reclaim what was stolen from you, but only if you report it to the appropriate authorities. You may reclaim what you've lost with the appropriate strategy and evidence. Those in charge of these unregulated platforms would most likely try to persuade you that what happened to your money was an unfortunate occurrence when, in reality, it was a sophisticated theft. If you or someone you know has been a victim of these situations, you should know that there are resources available to assist you. Simply do a search about LFrescue.org . It is never too late if you have the right information, your sanity can be restored