BBXは、マルタに基づく集中型の暗号化交換です。 この取引所は2018年に開始されました。 その報告された量は約15-20mlnである。 取引あたり$。 BBXは5利用可能な取引ペアと6コインを持っています。
BBXにはFiat預金オプションはありません。 取引所は、暗号化通貨以外の入金方法を受け入れません。 信用取引オプションは取引所ではご利用いただけません。
Exchangeは、デスクトップ版とモバイル版の両方で利用できます。 モバイルアプリはiOSとAndroidの両方で利用可能です。 為替市場自体が"暗号通貨指標契約取引プラットフォーム"として、プラットフォームがレバレッジ取引に焦点を当てていることは間違いありま BBXでの取引手数料は、市場での平均量に比べて非常に低い取引あたり0.10%です。
I assume the exchange is good. Ive been here since this June and I'm quite satisfied with it. The interesting moment that it doesn't allow to use real money only crypto. Only the traders with the crypto are able to trade. But I'm fine with that
Definitely that's a perfect cryptoexchange. I didn't even see a big complaints about BBX. This guy's are killing it!
The mobile app is a great idea, but I see that it doesn't work that great. The app doesn't work fast, I see some bugs from time to time, for instance, I can't see my balance it can just disappear from my acc.But I hope the support works with the client's feedback and the app will be fixed.
Never worked before with that exchange and I started just a month ago. First of all, I like their app. Sometimes , it works with the little bugs, but in generall it's a very convinient. The exchange shows a good volume and I can trade here easily and smoothly.
The exchange has an amazing feature is a mobile app. it's fully opreabale and has all the necessary tools to trade on the phone. The charts, balances and the coin info can be found in the app. I almost forgot when I used the web site.