Truffe NFT comuni e suggerimenti per la sicurezza

Truffe NFT comuni e suggerimenti per la sicurezza
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Feb 03, 2023 138
Truffe NFT comuni e suggerimenti per la sicurezza

Con il rapido progresso della tecnologia blockchain e l'ondata di Popolarità NFT negli ultimi anni, programmatori, giocatori, artisti e persino adolescenti hanno più opportunità.

Sfortunatamente, anche i falsi artisti e altri truffatori in cerca di profitto hanno notato nuove opportunità. NFTs può operare su varie blockchain, ma sono in gran parte centrate sulla blockchain di Ethereum. In genere puntano a un file di immagine, agiscono come un certificato digitale per un singolo oggetto. Capire come riconoscere ed evitare le truffe è diventato cruciale a causa del rischio di perdita finanziaria.

Questo articolo include consigli su come prevenire truffe NFT comuni, nonché un elenco completo dei tipi di truffa NFT. La nostra indagine sulle frodi NFT fornisce informazioni sulle truffe che hanno perseguitato il settore dal suo debutto.

Mercati falsi

Questa categoria include mercati e portafogli falsi che imitano quelli legittimi che vengono frequentemente distribuiti attraverso vari canali come forum, e-mail, social media e altri. L'inganno sta nelle sottili differenze nel layout o nell'URL del sito Web che rendono difficile per gli utenti distinguere tra società false e affidabili. Ciò può comportare che gli utenti ignari vengano ingannati e che i loro beni siano a rischio.

Offerte false

Quando la criptovaluta con cui hai elencato i tuoi beni subisce un cambiamento, potrebbe portare a una truffa di offerta. Questo accade quando un potenziale acquirente effettua l'offerta più alta senza informarti.

Questa truffa si verifica quando vendi il tuo lavoro sul mercato secondario in modo che tu possa cadere vittima di offerte false. Ciò si verifica quando un acquirente offre di pagarti 1 USD invece del concordato 1 ETH per il tuo lavoro.

Falso supporto tecnico

Sulle piattaforme di social media relative a progetti di token non fungibili, i truffatori spesso si pongono come rappresentanti del servizio clienti per rubare risorse archiviate nei portafogli degli utenti ottenendo le loro chiavi private.

Giveaway Scam

Le truffe giveaway sono una forma di inganno in cui i truffatori si presentano come uno scambio stimabile o una figura ben nota per ospitare un concorso falso. Chiedono una certa quantità di bitcoin da inviare a loro in cambio della possibilità di vincere metà del "giveaway”. Tuttavia, una volta inviati i fondi, non possono essere recuperati a causa della natura irreversibile delle transazioni bitcoin, consentendo ai truffatori di trarre profitto.

Tappeto Tira

Rug pull truffe hanno guadagnato notorietà per la loro capacità di passare inosservato fino a quando non è troppo tardi. I truffatori generano eccitazione intorno a un progetto per attirare investimenti, poi improvvisamente abbandonarlo, simile a tattiche pump-and-dump. Spesso lo fanno una volta che hanno prosciugato i fondi degli investitori, poi scompaiono dai social media e rimuovono tutti i soldi dai loro portafogli.

NFTS contraffatti

Il proprietario di un'opera d'arte non equivale a possedere l'originale o ad avere il controllo sui diritti di proprietà intellettuale di un'opera d'arte. Qualsiasi immagine può essere trasformata in grafica su piattaforme come OpenSea, anche se non ne possiedi i diritti. Gli individui ingannevoli possono sfruttare questo riproducendo NFT dal lavoro di un altro utente, ingannando gli acquirenti a credere che stanno acquisendo opere d'arte autentiche, quindi vendendo l'imitazione sul mercato. Una volta che l'inganno è esposto, il lavoro falso perde completamente il suo valore.

Pompa e scarico

I truffatori ricorrono a strategie pump-and-dump per aumentare artificialmente il prezzo della loro collezione con l'intenzione di realizzare un profitto. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, pubblicano più offerte in rapida successione per suscitare eccitazione per il calo. Quando i prezzi raggiungono un certo punto, i truffatori vendono le loro partecipazioni, lasciando gli acquirenti ignari con l'opera d'arte che hanno strapagato.

Come proteggersi dalle truffe NFT?

Questa guida è stata creata per aiutarti a difenderti dalle truffe NFT imparando a identificarle ed evitarle. I passaggi essenziali da tenere a mente includono la verifica di link e siti Web, la conduzione di ricerche in background, il controllo della valuta transazionale e l'utilizzo solo di account verificati. È fondamentale non fornire password e esaminare attentamente la cronologia delle transazioni e i dati del portafoglio di una raccolta prima di acquistarla. Controlla il numero di transazioni e acquirenti su piattaforme come OpenSea per una maggiore sicurezza contro le frodi pump-and-dump. Raggiungi l'artista attraverso i social network per una maggiore sicurezza.

È necessario fare un'indagine di fondo fondamentale e confermare l'autenticità della fonte. Il prossimo passo è controllare che il sito Web sia legittimo e che lo sfondo dell'account del venditore sia affidabile.

Controllare la valuta transazionale prima di iniziare le transazioni aiuterà a prevenire le truffe.

Per evitare la falsa truffa del supporto, assicurati di accedere solo a uno specifico canale telegram o server Discord attraverso la pagina o il sito ufficiale di un creatore.

Puoi evitare truffe contraffatte assicurandoti che qualsiasi lavoro acquistato su un marketplace provenga da un account verificato.


Frode gli incidenti stanno spuntando sempre più frequentemente man mano che l'ecosistema si sviluppa e cresce. È fondamentale per educare se stessi sulle strategie che i truffatori utilizzano sul mercato e per tenere il passo con le leggi più recenti e gli sviluppi tecnologici del settore, se si vuole salvaguardare se stessi da questi schemi. Nonostante il fatto che Truffe NFT stanno diventando comuni, ci sono precauzioni che puoi prendere per proteggere i tuoi beni. Prima di tutto, devi proteggere il tuo portafoglio dagli hacker e non divulgare mai le tue chiavi private. Si consiglia di stabilire il proprio account su un portafoglio affidabile per ridurre ulteriormente la possibilità di cadere preda di siti commerciali ombrosi. Ci sono un certo numero di noti digitali portafoglio disponibile per voi da scegliere.

Le opinioni e le valutazioni espresse nel testo sono le opinioni dell'autore dell'articolo e potrebbero non rappresentare la posizione di Cryptogeek. Non dimenticare che investire in criptovalute e fare trading in borsa è associato al rischio. Prima di prendere decisioni, assicurati di fare le tue ricerche sul mercato e sui prodotti che ti interessano.

Fatima Barsan
24 September 2023
Fatima Barsan
It's been five years since I began working as a nurse here in Canada. I enjoy using Instagram for fun and entertainment, and one day I linked with a Chinese user. The guy was amazing and informed me that he was into binary trading and that if I invested a small amount of money—say, $4,000—I would have enough money in a year to purchase a home and a medical facility. In due course, I made a choice to invest, but after six months when I tried to withdraw, I was asked for more. Throughout this time, he encouraged me to keep investing. I had already invested $100,000 USD with him on his broker platform because we were in a relationship, which gave me confidence in him. However, it was too late to realize I had been scammed after he successfully ripped me off and put me in a debt of $180,000. USD This really stunned me, and I wasn't feeling well at all. This experience devastated me because I put so much faith in someone and this is what I received in return. After speaking with prominent IT professionals, I was referred to Richard Pryce wizard, which helped me retrieve the money I had spent with the false broker. I am incredibly appreciative of Richard Pryce's wizard assistance. I'm glad I was able to recover the money I mistakenly invested. I'm applauding Richard Pryce Wizard for their great achievement, To reach out via email at, and thank me later. or whatsapp:+1 (614) 963-6517

Naiomi Jhene
23 September 2023
I Carefully read a review about Santoshi Hacker that has been endorsed by several people, therefore I am not the first to do so, but I still want to express my happiness at having made the right decision in trusting my gut and Santoshi Hacker's positive evaluations. I would have still been deeply in debt if not for the decision I made, but Santoshi Hacker has now eliminated all of that debt. Everyone, including you, is entitled to be delighted, thus in order to obtain it, I advise you to get in touch with the top players. Anyone who has suffered a loss in cryptocurrency trading can get help from Santoshi Hacker.. You could reach them by means of, their contacts:
Hacker Website: https://santoshihacker3.wixsit
Hacker Youtube:
Hacker Email:
Regards. Naiomi Jhene.

Dominic Jack
22 September 2023
“I invested with a Crypto broker without proper research to know what I was hoarding my hard-earned money into, only to find out it was a hoax and sham. I invested over $495,000 USD estimated to be 7.3 BTC. I was unable to make any withdrawals out of my initial deposits let alone the gains he claimed I have earned even after meeting the bogus fees and charges he is always requesting. Fortunately, I got to know about a Wizard that is well know WIZARD BRIXTON GROUP OF HACKER and the are best tech skills in Bitcoin recovery programmers through research and positive reviews i saw on Google. After a couple of hours i consulting with them via WhatsApp: +44 7383450230 ,Email: within the next 24hours all my funds were recovered including my profits. I can’t thank these guys enough for making me not another prey to these scammers. Thank you WIZARD BRIXTON GROUP OF HACKER. Consult them via:
Telegram :
WhatsApp : +44 7383450230

Lukman Ramota
22 September 2023
Make sure to choose a company with a good reputation like daniel meuli recovery when it comes to recovering your lost bitcoin. You can read reviews online to see what other people have said about the company. Ask the company about their experience in recovering Bitcoin if you want to make sure that they have experience with your specific case. Get a quote from the company before you start working with them. This will help you to avoid any surprises. Be sure to read the company's terms of service carefully before you sign anything. This will ensure that you understand the company's fees and policies. I am so grateful that I chose daniel meuli Recovery to help me recover my Bitcoin. They are a professional and experienced company with a high success rate when you talk about getting back your lost funds. Email: to properly inquire about their services. or via whatsapp +1 (323) 433-3594

Dominic Jack
22 September 2023
“I invested with a Crypto broker without proper research to know what I was hoarding my hard-earned money into, only to find out it was a hoax and sham. I invested over $495,000 USD estimated to be 7.3 BTC. I was unable to make any withdrawals out of my initial deposits let alone the gains he claimed I have earned even after meeting the bogus fees and charges he is always requesting. Fortunately, I got to know about a Wizard that is well know WIZARD BRIXTON GROUP OF HACKER and the are best tech skills in Bitcoin recovery programmers through research and positive reviews i saw on Google. After a couple of hours i consulting with them via WhatsApp: +44 7383450230 ,Email: within the next 24hours all my funds were recovered including my profits. I can’t thank these guys enough for making me not another prey to these scammers. Thank you WIZARD BRIXTON GROUP OF HACKER. Consult them via:
Telegram :
WhatsApp : +44 7383450230

Joyce Anthony
21 September 2023
When I discovered that my Bitcoin had been taken, I was ecstatic. I had devoted a lot of effort to saving for it, but it was all gone. I was at a loss for what to do. When I started my online inquiry, Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery was there. All of the reviews I read were favorable. I made the decision to test them. Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery was incredibly helpful when I contacted them. They gave me a thorough breakdown of the recuperation procedure and were on hand to warn me if I encountered any additional emergencies. I'm overjoyed to say that Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery was able to successfully retrieve my whole stolen Bitcoin balance of $75,000. Thank you so much for the help you provided. For assistance, contact Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery using the information: prowizardgilbertrecovery”@“

patricia olsen
20 September 2023
Be on Alert while trading on Bitcoin ,I had a very unpleasant experience, loosing $125,000 of my investment while trading,I lost my mind and didn't know where to start with recovering my funds or if it was even possible to recover it at all,I contacted my close friend who had introduced me to trading I explained to that her that i had lost everything I traded amounting to $125,000 immediately she asked me to contact after I made contact with haste,they started the recovery process , assuring me that I will get back everything I lost.I was so happy because within no time they helped me recover all my $125,000 back ,To any investor who might have lost funds while trading quickly contact and start the journey to recovering all you lost within no time.They also gave me tips on how to avoid losing funds while trading on Bitcoin and also how to keep my account safe from Hackers.

Melissa Sanders
20 September 2023
I never believed I could recover all my funds back to my wallet, my colleague introduced a professional hacker to me ADRAIN LAMO HACKER AGENCY, and this hacker recovered the $766,000 that was stolen from me by these online scammers. ADRIAN LAMO HACKER AGENCY recovered all my funds within 24 hours. If you’re a victim I do advise you to consult These professional hacker via email:

John Goodman
18 September 2023
I was in total dismay when I lost my entire savings investing in cryptocurrency, I was contacted online by a lady through email pretending to be an account manager of a bank, who told me I could make double my savings through cryptocurrency investment, I never imagined it would be a scam and I was going to lose everything. It went on for weeks until I realized that I have been scammed. All hope was lost, I was devastated and broke, fortunately for me, I came across an article on my local bulletin about Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, I contacted them and provided all the information regarding my case, I was amazed at how quickly they recovered my cryptocurrency funds and was able to trace down those scammers. I’m truly grateful for their service and I recommend them to everyone who needs to recover their funds urge you to contact them if you have lost your bitcoin USDT or ETH through bitcoin investment


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16 September 2023

Before making any bitcoin investments, always exercise caution and undertake careful study. On the internet, I came across a post regarding a cryptocurrency trading platform. They had a pleasant conversation before investing and displaying early profits. After investing with the company I discovered there is no withdrawal option and that you must get their permission to make withdrawals after investing with the firm. On deciding to retire my profits, they provided multiple excuses which included paying huge taxes to activate my withdrawals. I promptly asked a buddy for advice, and she suggested Captain WebGenesis, a qualified professional that could assist me in recovering my money. In the end, Captain WebGenesis was successful in recovering 80% of my stolen Bitcoin. If by any means you're also a victim of online scam kindly send a message across to the Expert via:

Mail Add; ; (
Whatsapp; +1(205) 336-1020.

Learn More;

Said Kaur
16 September 2023
Need Help To Recover Lost Crypto funds? Contact Captain WebGenesis.

A phishing scam was used by an imposter pretending to be a celebrity artist to steal $204,700 worth of cryptocurrency from my Trust wallet. I was helpless, depressed, and ready to do anything to get my money back. I used all essential methods, but to no avail. I came across numerous glowing testimonials for Captain WebGenesis, a company that helps most victims of financial fraud recover their money. I took action and made contact with the professional. Fortunately, all of my misplaced money was found and returned to my wallet. I wholeheartedly recommend Captain WebGenesis to all victims of scam who want their money returned.

WhatsaPP; +1(205) 336-1020.
Email address.; (


Elizabeth Arnold
15 September 2023
I just wanted to take a minute to let you know how helpful ... your Hacking Agency was in a time of near desperation.  The people that I have dealt with ... have helped make my job much easier. 
Adrian Lamo your team helped us recover over 200 lost crypto accounts and funds. Anyone who is a victim of a crypto scam or their crypto account should consult Adrian Lamo Hacking Agency They made recovery of people who lost funds and accounts easier
You contact them Via email:

Thank you for your support."

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Terence Gareth
13 September 2023
To reclaim my bitcoin, I had to fight diligently.  In an effort that it will be useful to someone else, I'm providing this evaluation. Due to trading platforms, profile hacks, binary option investments, and other fraudulent bitcoin-related activities, you are not the only person to have lost bitcoin. I was a victim of trickery when I invested in cryptocurrency, losing more than $15,000. To get my money back, I tried a number of different methods, but none of them appeared to work. I discovered Wizard Web Recovery, a cyber recovery expert, and his contact information. I was rapidly able to recover the funds I lost to these dodgy investors thanks to a better plan and technique. Wizard web recovery may be summed up in one word: authentic. Send a mail to the company below if you've experienced such tragedies and need assistance recovering. After that, get yourself the help you require.

Email:  wizardwebrecovery(@)programmer(.)net
Telegram:  wizardwebrecoveryteam
Website:  www.wizardwebrecovery(.)net
Wish you best of luck.
Terence  Gareth  

Relie Rossow
12 September 2023
excited to speak about daniel meuli Bitcoin Recovery, this cyber security company was able to assist me in recovering my stolen digital funds and cryptocurrency. They provide fantastic service, and their work is of the highest caliber. Before I approached them with my difficulties and all the necessary documents, I never thought I would be able to receive my money back. They recovered my monies in 48 hours, which astounded me. With know any uncertainty, I recommend using daniel meuli recovery to retrieve your or via whatsapp +1 (323) 433-3594

11 September 2023
The internet used to be a safe haven to gather new knowledge in the comfort of your space until these scammers sprouted out of the blue like worms and made it unsafe. I am a country music lover, and Kenny Rogers is my idol. I can remember when a notification from Instagram popped on my screen, Guess who, my idol. I was awed and I can remember myself writing about all his impact in my life. I was so sure I was talking to my idol on Instagram. He did say he wanted to introduce me to this quick money-making scheme because he noticed I have been a loyal fan on his official IG page. My idol can never go wrong in my eyes and didn't even do any research. I hurriedly joined the scheme. I never knew it was a scammer posing as a celebrity till I had invested $540.000.00. It got worse when I couldn't access my account or withdraw from my investment, I knew there was a problem after all these happenings. I need to get help from any means to ensure I am not a victim of these parasites. I was glad to be able to be introduced to the best CRYPTOCURRENCY RECOVER EXPERT, Cyber-Genie Genie Hack Pro. I talked to their representative and they assured me of recovering my stolen investment. And as they promised, they didn't disappoint as they were very confident in their expertise. My stolen investment was successfully recovered and they were the ones who confirmed to me that I was catfished.
"Cybergenie(@)Cyberservices. com"
"Numb + (12525120391)"

Julie Robb
11 September 2023
Thank you, Mysterious Hacker. For anyone with some BTC and cryptocurrency issues, I’d highly recommend they sort their services. As a beginner in the crypto market, I am still taking it a step at a time. But of course, or so I thought, losing money was part of the game. You know those clients you’ll pay money in exchange for crypto and shortly later they go missing?! Well, that was my fate. $35000 to be precise. Later I learned about this high-end hacker and tried them. Best decision ever, since there were a lot of scammers but luckily they weren’t! Contact Mysterious Hacker now to recover your lost cryptocurrency without any upfront payment

Telegram: +15625539611
Email on:

Joseph Wareru
11 September 2023
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Tracing and Recovery services and how they work. I had an old hard drive with Bitcoin on it that I mined years ago. Unfortunately, when I tried to get it up and running again, the data was corrupted. Santoshi Hacker. helped me to recover the Bitcoin I had on it even after I thought it was a lost cause. My old investment paid off big time and I was able to reap the rewards thanks to the professionals at
Website: https://santoshihacker3. wixsite. com/santoshihacker
YouTube Channel: https:// www. youtube. com/@Santoshihacker
Email: santoshihacker @ hotmail. com
I highly recommend Santoshi Hacker to anyone in need of a reliable and efficient recovery service. Santoshi Hacker is an investigative and consulting service hired mainly by victims of online fraud to help them get their money back. they specialize in dealing with online scams and help provide reimbursement to their victims using disputes, tracking down digital fingerprints, cyber analysis, and thorough investigative work. Scam victims all around the world have already reclaimed their money back with Santoshi Hacker. Contact them and claim your money back now!

Victoria Neha
10 September 2023

I decided to conduct thorough study after learning how profitable investing in cryptocurrencies might be, and I ultimately chose to deposit $142,000 worth of cryptocurrencies with an online investment platform. I had been persuaded to invest with this platform with the promise of bonuses included and a return on investment of three times what I had put in. All of this turned out to be a scam, and they stole not just my money but also a lot of other people's as well. I filed lots of complaints with the company with no responses. I finally decided to take action and came across a certified bitcoin recovery Expert Captain WebGenesis. After filling my complaint through ( I must say I am impressed. Captain WebGenesis was able to recover 95% of my stolen funds. I highly recommend his services to anyone who has been defrauded.

Web page;

Yarah Mama
9 September 2023
Contacting daniel meuli recovery will allow you to quickly locate lost bitcoin. You must contact daniel meuli recovery if you require a recovery hub for your lost bitcoin, need assistance with a mistyped password, want to move cryptocurrency to the correct wallet address, or think your wallet has been exploited. I played a bitcoin win game and lost more than $75,000. Thanks to daniel meuli Recovery's excellent effort, the money I unlawfully lost has been restored.This hacker collective uses cutting-edge computer tools that can quickly recover monies. daniel meuli Recovery is a reliable company that can be reached by using: or via whatsapp +1 (323) 433-3594

Catherine walker
5 September 2023

Hello everyone I want to use this Medium to say big thank you to www. for they helped me recover my stolen crypto worth $68,000 through their hacking skills I tried it I was skeptic but it worked and I got my money back, I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I was never going to get my money back from those fake online investment websites .. you can also contact them via
You can also contact them for the service below
Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer
Bank Transfer
PayPal / Skrill Transfer
Crypto Mining
CashApp Transfer
Bitcoin Loans
Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets