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Liquid - revue de la bourse et avis des utilisateurs

Pays: Singapore
Lancé: 2018
Le volume: $ 11,927,756.0
Paires: 286
Application mobile: iOS, Android
Full address: 2-2-1 Kyobashi Chuou-ku Tokyo Japan
Fees: Trading fees:
Crypto/Fiat- 0% (free)
Crypto/Crypto- 0.15% execution value for market taker / -0.075% execution value (rebate) for market maker

(If the user chooses to pay the trading fee using QASH, there will be a 50% discount applies only to crypto/crypto pairs for market takers.)

Trading fee for margin trades made in all pairs (crypto/crypto and crypto/fiat) is 0.05%.

Crypto deposit fee: 0% (free)
Fiat deposit fee:
-SBI Japan (JPY): local transaction fee;
-Swapforex (USD, AUD, SGD, EUR): zero fees;
-UAB Misterango (EUR - for deposits within SEPA): Processing fee of 0.99 EUR is applied by UAB Mistertango. Note that if your account is also held at UAB Mistertango, zero fees is charged.

Crypto withdrawals fee: 0% (Free)
Fiat withdrawals fee:
-USD: 5 USD;
-SGD: 5 SGD;
-EUR: 5 EUR;
-AUD: 5 AUD;
-JPY: Liquid fee 500 JPY + local bank fee 216 JPY (applied only if recipient bank account is local).

Payment processor charges:
-Swapforex: 35.25 USD equivalent per transaction;
-UAB Mistertango (SEPA payments only): 0.99 EUR per transaction, or zero if the beneficiary account is held at UAB Mistertango.

Lending fee:
-"Interest Payment Fee" is 50% of Interest Transfer and is collected by Liquid from the lender whenever Interest Transfer is credited.
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Pays: Singapore
Lancé: 2018
Le volume: $ 11,927,756.0
Paires: 286
Application mobile: iOS, Android
Full address: 2-2-1 Kyobashi Chuou-ku Tokyo Japan
Fees: Trading fees:
Crypto/Fiat- 0% (free)
Crypto/Crypto- 0.15% execution value for market taker / -0.075% execution value (rebate) for market maker

(If the user chooses to pay the trading fee using QASH, there will be a 50% discount applies only to crypto/crypto pairs for market takers.)

Trading fee for margin trades made in all pairs (crypto/crypto and crypto/fiat) is 0.05%.

Crypto deposit fee: 0% (free)
Fiat deposit fee:
-SBI Japan (JPY): local transaction fee;
-Swapforex (USD, AUD, SGD, EUR): zero fees;
-UAB Misterango (EUR - for deposits within SEPA): Processing fee of 0.99 EUR is applied by UAB Mistertango. Note that if your account is also held at UAB Mistertango, zero fees is charged.

Crypto withdrawals fee: 0% (Free)
Fiat withdrawals fee:
-USD: 5 USD;
-SGD: 5 SGD;
-EUR: 5 EUR;
-AUD: 5 AUD;
-JPY: Liquid fee 500 JPY + local bank fee 216 JPY (applied only if recipient bank account is local).

Payment processor charges:
-Swapforex: 35.25 USD equivalent per transaction;
-UAB Mistertango (SEPA payments only): 0.99 EUR per transaction, or zero if the beneficiary account is held at UAB Mistertango.

Lending fee:
-"Interest Payment Fee" is 50% of Interest Transfer and is collected by Liquid from the lender whenever Interest Transfer is credited.
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