Basic Attention Token (BAT) vs Dogecoin (DOGE) Comparison

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Basic Attention Token (BAT) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are two popular cryptocurrencies that have gained a lot of attention in the market. In this review, we will compare and analyze the key features and differences between BAT and DOGE.

Technology and Purpose:

Basic Attention Token (BAT) is an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain. It was created by Brendan Eich, the co-founder of Mozilla Firefox, to address the inefficiencies in digital advertising. BAT aims to create a more efficient and transparent digital advertising ecosystem where users can earn rewards for their attention and publishers are incentivized to create quality content.
Dogecoin (DOGE) is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2013 as a joke based on the popular internet meme of the Shiba Inu dog. Despite its humble beginnings, DOGE has gained a large following and has been used for various charitable causes. DOGE is a fork of Litecoin and uses the Scrypt mining algorithm.

Market Cap and Price:

As of writing this review, BAT has a market cap of around $1.5 billion and is trading at around $0.90 per token. DOGE, on the other hand, has a market cap of around $34 billion and is trading at around $0.26 per token. DOGE's market cap is much higher than BAT's due to its popularity and large following.

Adoption and Use Cases:

BAT has been adopted by several popular web browsers, including Brave, which has over 25 million monthly active users. The Brave browser rewards users with BAT tokens for viewing advertisements and allows them to tip content creators and publishers. BAT has also been integrated with several other platforms, including Reddit and Twitter.
DOGE has gained popularity as a meme cryptocurrency and has been used for several charitable causes, including raising funds for clean water initiatives in Africa and sponsoring a NASCAR driver. However, DOGE has limited use cases compared to BAT, and its value is largely driven by its popularity and social media hype.

Community and Development:

BAT has a strong and active community that is passionate about the project's mission and vision. The BAT team is also actively developing the project and has several updates and features planned for the future. The Brave browser has also been praised for its privacy-focused features and user-centric design.
DOGE has a large and active community that is known for its memes and social media presence. However, the development of the project has been largely stagnant, and there have been limited updates or improvements to the technology.

Risks and Challenges:

One of the main risks for BAT is the potential for regulatory uncertainty in the digital advertising industry. Additionally, BAT faces competition from other blockchain-based advertising platforms and could struggle to gain market share.
The main challenge for DOGE is its lack of intrinsic value and reliance on social media hype. DOGE's value could decline rapidly if the market sentiment shifts or if it fails to gain broader adoption and use cases.
In conclusion, BAT and DOGE are two very different cryptocurrencies with unique features and use cases. While BAT has a clear mission and vision for creating a more efficient and transparent digital advertising ecosystem, DOGE's value is largely driven by its popularity and social media hype. Investors should carefully evaluate the risks and potential rewards of both cryptocurrencies before making any investment decisions.


User rating

4.8 / 5 5 reseñas de los usuarios 4.7 / 5 7 reseñas de los usuarios

Cryptogeek rating

4.4 / 5 3.8 / 5

Puntaje de confianza

¿Cómo funciona?
4.56 / 5 4.13 / 5


Basic Attention Token (o BAT) es un token de utilidad y una herramienta de intercambio de anuncios asociada con el navegador Brave. BAT es un proyecto descentralizado de código abierto, ya que se basa en la cadena de bloques Ethereum. El propio concepto de BAT está dirigido a cambiar las relaciones entre los usuarios, los anunciantes y los editores creando un espacio publicitario separado donde los anuncios pueden ser fácilmente desactivados por los usuarios. Si los usuarios optan por ver anuncios, obtienen recompensas de los anunciantes en BAT tokens. Los usuarios pueden donar tokens BAT a los creadores de contenido o usarlo en la plataforma.
Dogecoin (DOGE) se fundó en los Estados Unidos en 2013 como una broma, pero rápidamente ganó un gran número de seguidores. Se convirtió en una criptomoneda popular (DOGE) utilizada para inclinar a los creadores de contenido (principalmente en Reddit y Telegram). Como los creadores no tenían planes serios para su moneda, no elaboraron una hoja de ruta y no estaban trabajando demasiado en la mejora de su proyecto. El fundador de Dogecoin, Jackson Palmer, dejó el proyecto en 2015.


token coin

Fecha de creación

2017 2013


USA International


Sin datos Sin datos


Public Public


Public blockchain Sin datos

Precio actual (USD)

0.1894 0.1052

Punto más alto (USD)

0.9807 0.0188

Intercambiar en el precio (24h)

3.95 0.82

Volumen (24h)

130220.33744 28128433.99117


Sin datos 180000

Suministros máximos

1500000000.00000 Sin datos

Suministro total

Sin datos Sin datos

Suministros circulantes

1500000000.00000 99999999999.99999

Velocidad de transacción / Tiempo de Bloque

20 33

Comisión de transacción

Sin datos Sin datos

Rentabilidad minera

Sin datos Sin datos


Sin datos Scrypt

Tipo de prueba

Sin datos PoW

Totalmente preminado

Sin datos Sin datos

Dirección de contrato inteligente

Sin datos Sin datos

Total de monedas extraídas

1500000000.00000 125408835593.31000

Es el comercio

yes yes

Recompensa de bloque

0.000000000000 0.000000000000

Tiempo de bloque

Sin datos Sin datos
User rating User rating 4.8 / 5 5 reseñas de los usuarios User rating 4.7 / 5 7 reseñas de los usuarios
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 4.4 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 3.8 / 5
Puntaje de confianza ¿Cómo funciona? Puntaje de confianza 4.56 / 5 Puntaje de confianza 4.13 / 5
Basic Attention Token (o BAT) es un token de utilidad y una herramienta de intercambio de anuncios asociada con el navegador Brave. BAT es un proyecto descentralizado de código abierto, ya que se basa en la cadena de bloques Ethereum. El propio concepto de BAT está dirigido a cambiar las relaciones entre los usuarios, los anunciantes y los editores creando un espacio publicitario separado donde los anuncios pueden ser fácilmente desactivados por los usuarios. Si los usuarios optan por ver anuncios, obtienen recompensas de los anunciantes en BAT tokens. Los usuarios pueden donar tokens BAT a los creadores de contenido o usarlo en la plataforma.
Dogecoin (DOGE) se fundó en los Estados Unidos en 2013 como una broma, pero rápidamente ganó un gran número de seguidores. Se convirtió en una criptomoneda popular (DOGE) utilizada para inclinar a los creadores de contenido (principalmente en Reddit y Telegram). Como los creadores no tenían planes serios para su moneda, no elaboraron una hoja de ruta y no estaban trabajando demasiado en la mejora de su proyecto. El fundador de Dogecoin, Jackson Palmer, dejó el proyecto en 2015.
Tipo Tipo token Tipo coin
Fecha de creación Fecha de creación 2017 Fecha de creación 2013
País País USA País International
Idiomas Idiomas Sin datos Idiomas Sin datos
Equipo Equipo Public Equipo Public
Protocolo Protocolo Public blockchain Protocolo Sin datos
Precio actual (USD) Precio actual (USD) 0.1894 Precio actual (USD) 0.1052
Punto más alto (USD) Punto más alto (USD) 0.9807 Punto más alto (USD) 0.0188
Intercambiar en el precio (24h) Intercambiar en el precio (24h) 3.95 Intercambiar en el precio (24h) 0.82
Volumen (24h) Volumen (24h) 130220.33744 Volumen (24h) 28128433.99117
Hashrate Hashrate Sin datos Hashrate 180000
Suministros máximos Suministros máximos 1500000000.00000 Suministros máximos Sin datos
Suministro total Suministro total Sin datos Suministro total Sin datos
Suministros circulantes Suministros circulantes 1500000000.00000 Suministros circulantes 99999999999.99999
Velocidad de transacción / Tiempo de Bloque Velocidad de transacción / Tiempo de Bloque 20 Velocidad de transacción / Tiempo de Bloque 33
Comisión de transacción Comisión de transacción Sin datos Comisión de transacción Sin datos
Rentabilidad minera Rentabilidad minera medium Rentabilidad minera low
Algoritmo Algoritmo Sin datos Algoritmo Scrypt
Tipo de prueba Tipo de prueba Sin datos Tipo de prueba PoW
Totalmente preminado Totalmente preminado Sin datos Totalmente preminado Sin datos
Dirección de contrato inteligente Dirección de contrato inteligente Sin datos Dirección de contrato inteligente Sin datos
Total de monedas extraídas Total de monedas extraídas 1500000000.00000 Total de monedas extraídas 125408835593.31000
Es el comercio Es el comercio yes Es el comercio yes
Recompensa de bloque Recompensa de bloque 0.000000000000 Recompensa de bloque 0.000000000000
Tiempo de bloque Tiempo de bloque Sin datos Tiempo de bloque Sin datos


Sitio web


@AttentionToken @dogecoin
Sitio web Sitio web Sitio web
Twitter Twitter @AttentionToken Twitter @dogecoin


Concepto fuerte Útil para muchos grupos sociales Comunidad poderosa Comunidad fuerte y amigable Popularidad Integración a numerosas plataformas


El concepto tiene sus críticos Adopción lenta El lado técnico es bastante débil


User rating User rating 4.8 / 5 5 reseñas de los usuarios User rating 4.7 / 5 7 reseñas de los usuarios
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 4.4 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 3.8 / 5
Ventajas Ventajas Concepto fuerte Útil para muchos grupos sociales Comunidad poderosa Ventajas Comunidad fuerte y amigable Popularidad Integración a numerosas plataformas
Desventajas Desventajas El concepto tiene sus críticos Adopción lenta Desventajas El lado técnico es bastante débil

La calificación de Basic Attention Token (BAT) es 4.8, basada en 5 opiniones de usuarios. La calificación de los usuarios de Dogecoin (DOGE) es 4.7, basada en 7 opiniones de los usuarios.

We also calculate the special Cryptogeek TrustScore based on the characteristics of each coin.

Elegimos al ganador basado en nuestra calificación de confianza ¡Por favor recuerde, todavía depende de usted que empresa elegir! ¿Cómo calculamos el puntaje de confiaza?
Puntaje de confianza: 4.13 / 5 Escríbe tu opinión
Elija otras empresas

Basic Attention Token (BAT) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are two popular cryptocurrencies that have gained a lot of attention in the market. In this review, we will compare and analyze the key features and differences between BAT and DOGE.

Technology and Purpose:

Basic Attention Token (BAT) is an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain. It was created by Brendan Eich, the co-founder of Mozilla Firefox, to address the inefficiencies in digital advertising. BAT aims to create a more efficient and transparent digital advertising ecosystem where users can earn rewards for their attention and publishers are incentivized to create quality content.
Dogecoin (DOGE) is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2013 as a joke based on the popular internet meme of the Shiba Inu dog. Despite its humble beginnings, DOGE has gained a large following and has been used for various charitable causes. DOGE is a fork of Litecoin and uses the Scrypt mining algorithm.

Market Cap and Price:

As of writing this review, BAT has a market cap of around $1.5 billion and is trading at around $0.90 per token. DOGE, on the other hand, has a market cap of around $34 billion and is trading at around $0.26 per token. DOGE's market cap is much higher than BAT's due to its popularity and large following.

Adoption and Use Cases:

BAT has been adopted by several popular web browsers, including Brave, which has over 25 million monthly active users. The Brave browser rewards users with BAT tokens for viewing advertisements and allows them to tip content creators and publishers. BAT has also been integrated with several other platforms, including Reddit and Twitter.
DOGE has gained popularity as a meme cryptocurrency and has been used for several charitable causes, including raising funds for clean water initiatives in Africa and sponsoring a NASCAR driver. However, DOGE has limited use cases compared to BAT, and its value is largely driven by its popularity and social media hype.

Community and Development:

BAT has a strong and active community that is passionate about the project's mission and vision. The BAT team is also actively developing the project and has several updates and features planned for the future. The Brave browser has also been praised for its privacy-focused features and user-centric design.
DOGE has a large and active community that is known for its memes and social media presence. However, the development of the project has been largely stagnant, and there have been limited updates or improvements to the technology.

Risks and Challenges:

One of the main risks for BAT is the potential for regulatory uncertainty in the digital advertising industry. Additionally, BAT faces competition from other blockchain-based advertising platforms and could struggle to gain market share.
The main challenge for DOGE is its lack of intrinsic value and reliance on social media hype. DOGE's value could decline rapidly if the market sentiment shifts or if it fails to gain broader adoption and use cases.
In conclusion, BAT and DOGE are two very different cryptocurrencies with unique features and use cases. While BAT has a clear mission and vision for creating a more efficient and transparent digital advertising ecosystem, DOGE's value is largely driven by its popularity and social media hype. Investors should carefully evaluate the risks and potential rewards of both cryptocurrencies before making any investment decisions.