Basic Attention Token (BAT) vs Dogecoin (DOGE) Comparison
Basic Attention Token (BAT) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are two popular cryptocurrencies that have gained a lot of attention in the market. In this review, we will compare and analyze the key features and differences between BAT and DOGE.
Technology and Purpose:
Basic Attention Token (BAT) is an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain. It was created by Brendan Eich, the co-founder of Mozilla Firefox, to address the inefficiencies in digital advertising. BAT aims to create a more efficient and transparent digital advertising ecosystem where users can earn rewards for their attention and publishers are incentivized to create quality content.
Dogecoin (DOGE) is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2013 as a joke based on the popular internet meme of the Shiba Inu dog. Despite its humble beginnings, DOGE has gained a large following and has been used for various charitable causes. DOGE is a fork of Litecoin and uses the Scrypt mining algorithm.
Market Cap and Price:
As of writing this review, BAT has a market cap of around $1.5 billion and is trading at around $0.90 per token. DOGE, on the other hand, has a market cap of around $34 billion and is trading at around $0.26 per token. DOGE's market cap is much higher than BAT's due to its popularity and large following.
Adoption and Use Cases:
BAT has been adopted by several popular web browsers, including Brave, which has over 25 million monthly active users. The Brave browser rewards users with BAT tokens for viewing advertisements and allows them to tip content creators and publishers. BAT has also been integrated with several other platforms, including Reddit and Twitter.
DOGE has gained popularity as a meme cryptocurrency and has been used for several charitable causes, including raising funds for clean water initiatives in Africa and sponsoring a NASCAR driver. However, DOGE has limited use cases compared to BAT, and its value is largely driven by its popularity and social media hype.
Community and Development:
BAT has a strong and active community that is passionate about the project's mission and vision. The BAT team is also actively developing the project and has several updates and features planned for the future. The Brave browser has also been praised for its privacy-focused features and user-centric design.
DOGE has a large and active community that is known for its memes and social media presence. However, the development of the project has been largely stagnant, and there have been limited updates or improvements to the technology.
Risks and Challenges:
One of the main risks for BAT is the potential for regulatory uncertainty in the digital advertising industry. Additionally, BAT faces competition from other blockchain-based advertising platforms and could struggle to gain market share.
The main challenge for DOGE is its lack of intrinsic value and reliance on social media hype. DOGE's value could decline rapidly if the market sentiment shifts or if it fails to gain broader adoption and use cases.
In conclusion, BAT and DOGE are two very different cryptocurrencies with unique features and use cases. While BAT has a clear mission and vision for creating a more efficient and transparent digital advertising ecosystem, DOGE's value is largely driven by its popularity and social media hype. Investors should carefully evaluate the risks and potential rewards of both cryptocurrencies before making any investment decisions.
User rating
Cryptogeek rating
Pontuação de Confiança
Como funciona
Token de atenção básica (ou BAT) é um token de utilitário e ferramenta de troca de anúncios associado com o Brave browser. O BAT é um projeto descentralizado de código aberto, baseado no blockchain Ethereum.
O próprio conceito de BAT visa mudar as relações entre USUÁRIOS, ANUNCIANTES e editores criando um espaço de anúncios separado, onde os anúncios podem ser facilmente desligados pelos usuários. Se os usuários optarem por assistir anúncios eles recebem recompensas de anunciantes em fichas BAT. Os usuários podem doar fichas BAT para criadores de conteúdo ou usá-lo na plataforma.
Dogecoin (DOGE) foi fundada nos Estados Unidos em 2013 como uma piada, mas rapidamente ganhou um grande número de seguidores. Tornou-se uma popular criptomoeda (DOGE) usada para derrubar os criadores de conteúdo (principalmente em Reddit e Telegram). Como os criadores não tinham planos sérios para sua moeda, eles não elaboraram um roteiro e não estavam trabalhando muito na melhoria de seu projeto. O fundador do Dogecoin Jackson Palmer deixou o projeto em 2015.
Data de fundação
Public blockchain
Sem dados
Preço atual (USD)
Recorde histórico (USD)
Mudança de Preço (24h)
Volume (24h)
Estoque Máximo
Sem dados
Oferta total
Estoque em Circulação
Velocidade de transação/ Tempo de Bloco
Taxa de transação
Rentabilidade de mineiração
Tipo de prova
Totalmente pré-definido
Endereço de contrato inteligente
Total de moedas extraídas
Está negociando
Recompensa de bloco
Hora do bloco
Sobre |
Token de atenção básica (ou BAT) é um token de utilitário e ferramenta de troca de anúncios associado com o Brave browser. O BAT é um projeto descentralizado de código aberto, baseado no blockchain Ethereum.
O próprio conceito de BAT visa mudar as relações entre USUÁRIOS, ANUNCIANTES e editores criando um espaço de anúncios separado, onde os anúncios podem ser facilmente desligados pelos usuários. Se os usuários optarem por assistir anúncios eles recebem recompensas de anunciantes em fichas BAT. Os usuários podem doar fichas BAT para criadores de conteúdo ou usá-lo na plataforma.
Dogecoin (DOGE) foi fundada nos Estados Unidos em 2013 como uma piada, mas rapidamente ganhou um grande número de seguidores. Tornou-se uma popular criptomoeda (DOGE) usada para derrubar os criadores de conteúdo (principalmente em Reddit e Telegram). Como os criadores não tinham planos sérios para sua moeda, eles não elaboraram um roteiro e não estavam trabalhando muito na melhoria de seu projeto. O fundador do Dogecoin Jackson Palmer deixou o projeto em 2015.
Tipo |
Data de fundação |
Data de fundação
Data de fundação
País |
Idiomas |
Sem dados
Sem dados
Time |
Protocolo |
Public blockchain
Sem dados
Preço atual (USD) |
Preço atual (USD)
Preço atual (USD)
Recorde histórico (USD) |
Recorde histórico (USD)
Recorde histórico (USD)
Mudança de Preço (24h) |
Mudança de Preço (24h)
Mudança de Preço (24h)
Volume (24h) |
Volume (24h)
Volume (24h)
Hashrate |
Sem dados
Estoque Máximo |
Estoque Máximo
Estoque Máximo
Sem dados
Oferta total |
Oferta total
Sem dados
Oferta total
Sem dados
Estoque em Circulação |
Estoque em Circulação
Estoque em Circulação
Velocidade de transação/ Tempo de Bloco |
Velocidade de transação/ Tempo de Bloco
Velocidade de transação/ Tempo de Bloco
Taxa de transação |
Taxa de transação
Sem dados
Taxa de transação
Sem dados
Rentabilidade de mineiração |
Rentabilidade de mineiração
Rentabilidade de mineiração
Algoritmo |
Sem dados
Tipo de prova |
Tipo de prova
Sem dados
Tipo de prova
Totalmente pré-definido |
Totalmente pré-definido
Sem dados
Totalmente pré-definido
Sem dados
Endereço de contrato inteligente |
Endereço de contrato inteligente
Sem dados
Endereço de contrato inteligente
Sem dados
Total de moedas extraídas |
Total de moedas extraídas
Total de moedas extraídas
Está negociando |
Está negociando
Está negociando
Recompensa de bloco |
Recompensa de bloco
Recompensa de bloco
Hora do bloco |
Hora do bloco
Sem dados
Hora do bloco
Sem dados
Conceito forte
Útil para muitos grupos sociais
Comunidade poderosa
Comunidade forte e amigável
Integração em numerosas plataformas
O conceito tem seus críticos
Adopção lenta
O lado técnico é muito fraco.
User rating |
User rating
4.8 / 5
5 avaliações do usuário
User rating
4.7 / 5
7 avaliações do usuário
Cryptogeek rating |
Cryptogeek rating
4.4 / 5
Cryptogeek rating
3.8 / 5
Vantagens |
Conceito forte
Útil para muitos grupos sociais
Comunidade poderosa
Comunidade forte e amigável
Integração em numerosas plataformas
Desvantagens |
O conceito tem seus críticos
Adopção lenta
O lado técnico é muito fraco.
A avaliação de Basic Attention Token (BAT) usuários é de 4.8, com base em 5 avaliações de usuários. A avaliação de Dogecoin (DOGE) usuários é de 4.7, com base em 7 avaliações de usuários.
We also calculate the special Cryptogeek TrustScore based on the characteristics of each coin.
Escolha outras empresas
Basic Attention Token (BAT) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are two popular cryptocurrencies that have gained a lot of attention in the market. In this review, we will compare and analyze the key features and differences between BAT and DOGE.
Technology and Purpose:
Basic Attention Token (BAT) is an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain. It was created by Brendan Eich, the co-founder of Mozilla Firefox, to address the inefficiencies in digital advertising. BAT aims to create a more efficient and transparent digital advertising ecosystem where users can earn rewards for their attention and publishers are incentivized to create quality content.
Dogecoin (DOGE) is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2013 as a joke based on the popular internet meme of the Shiba Inu dog. Despite its humble beginnings, DOGE has gained a large following and has been used for various charitable causes. DOGE is a fork of Litecoin and uses the Scrypt mining algorithm.
Market Cap and Price:
As of writing this review, BAT has a market cap of around $1.5 billion and is trading at around $0.90 per token. DOGE, on the other hand, has a market cap of around $34 billion and is trading at around $0.26 per token. DOGE's market cap is much higher than BAT's due to its popularity and large following.
Adoption and Use Cases:
BAT has been adopted by several popular web browsers, including Brave, which has over 25 million monthly active users. The Brave browser rewards users with BAT tokens for viewing advertisements and allows them to tip content creators and publishers. BAT has also been integrated with several other platforms, including Reddit and Twitter.
DOGE has gained popularity as a meme cryptocurrency and has been used for several charitable causes, including raising funds for clean water initiatives in Africa and sponsoring a NASCAR driver. However, DOGE has limited use cases compared to BAT, and its value is largely driven by its popularity and social media hype.
Community and Development:
BAT has a strong and active community that is passionate about the project's mission and vision. The BAT team is also actively developing the project and has several updates and features planned for the future. The Brave browser has also been praised for its privacy-focused features and user-centric design.
DOGE has a large and active community that is known for its memes and social media presence. However, the development of the project has been largely stagnant, and there have been limited updates or improvements to the technology.
Risks and Challenges:
One of the main risks for BAT is the potential for regulatory uncertainty in the digital advertising industry. Additionally, BAT faces competition from other blockchain-based advertising platforms and could struggle to gain market share.
The main challenge for DOGE is its lack of intrinsic value and reliance on social media hype. DOGE's value could decline rapidly if the market sentiment shifts or if it fails to gain broader adoption and use cases.
In conclusion, BAT and DOGE are two very different cryptocurrencies with unique features and use cases. While BAT has a clear mission and vision for creating a more efficient and transparent digital advertising ecosystem, DOGE's value is largely driven by its popularity and social media hype. Investors should carefully evaluate the risks and potential rewards of both cryptocurrencies before making any investment decisions.