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Unibright offers a unified framework that aims to bring blockchain technology and smart contracts to mainstream usage. Unibright develops enterprise blockchain solutions, builds integration platforms, and offers an ecosystem around tokenized assets. With its “no-coding-needed” approach, smart contracts can be generated, deployed, and updated automatically into different blockchains. Unibright works with visual, use case-related templates, and also automatically integrates existing IT systems into the blockchain.
La criptomoneda DigitalNote (XDN) figura actualmente en la cantidad de intercambios contra criptos (BTC o ETH). Surgió en 2015 como un lanzamiento justo, lo que no implicaba ninguna recompensa para los desarrolladores, la campaña ICO o los bloques preestablecidos. Recientemente, XDN realizó un intercambio a la red XDN 2.0 con una funcionalidad mejorada.
#MetaHash is a next-generation network based on the Blockchain 4.0 technology for sharing digital assets and a platform for creating and managing decentralized apps and services in real-time