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Tokenly Pockets Wallet logo

Tokenly Pockets Wallet Reviews

Launched: 2018
Expert Review
Jul 16, 2020

Tokenly Pockets Wallet is currently not available. The wallet represented an open-source plugin for the Google Chrome browser and was used to manage Bitcoin and Counterparty assets. 

The last update on this project on GitHub was posted 5 years ago.

The wallet was developed by the software company Tokenly, which works on blockchain products and solutions.

Our Score
Security 1 / 5
Support 1 / 5
Ease of use 1 / 5
Reputation 1 / 5
Fees 1 / 5
Our Score
1 / 5
Pros and Cons

- No longer available

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User reviews
Frey 24 February 2023

The wallet is currently unavailable.

Sonny Bryant 3 November 2021

The wallet was pretty average. I didn't particularly like dealing with it.

Launched: 2018
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