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Octabis Review 2023 - Is It Safe?

Expert Review
Feb 01, 2021

Octabis is a decentralized exchange (DEX) launched in 2021 that provides a platform for trading various cryptocurrencies. The platform allows for the exchange of Ethereum-based tokens and is built on the Binance Smart Chain. Octabis aims to provide a user-friendly and secure trading environment for cryptocurrency traders. In this review, we will examine the features of Octabis, including security, ease of use, functionality, fees, and overall user experience.


Octabis places a strong emphasis on security and includes several measures to protect users' funds and personal information. The platform uses encryption to secure users' data and employs two-factor authentication to ensure that only authorized users can access the platform.
Octabis also includes a range of anti-fraud measures, such as real-time transaction monitoring and analysis, to detect and prevent fraudulent activity on the platform. This helps to protect users from financial losses and ensures that customers' payment information is secure.

Ease of Use:

Octabis is designed to be easy to use, with a user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation. The platform allows users to quickly and easily buy and sell cryptocurrencies.
The platform also includes several features to help users manage their transactions, such as order book and trade history logs.


Octabis is a feature-rich platform that includes several tools and features to help users trade cryptocurrencies effectively. The platform allows users to trade a range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.
Octabis also includes several trading options, such as limit orders and stop-loss orders, to ensure that users can customize their trading strategies to their specific needs.


Octabis charges competitive fees for using the platform. The platform charges a flat trading fee of 0.2% for each transaction, which is lower than many other exchanges.
Octabis does not charge any additional fees for using the platform, such as deposit or withdrawal fees. This makes it an affordable option for users of all sizes.

User Experience:

Overall, Octabis provides a positive user experience for those looking to trade cryptocurrencies. The platform is easy to use and includes several helpful features, such as trading options and order book logs.
The platform is also secure, with strong encryption and anti-fraud measures, ensuring that users' transactions and personal information are protected. The platform's competitive fees and intuitive user interface make it a recommended option for cryptocurrency traders.
In conclusion, Octabis is a reliable and secure decentralized exchange for trading cryptocurrencies. The platform's emphasis on security, ease of use, functionality, fees, and overall user experience make it a popular choice for cryptocurrency traders.
Overall, Octabis is a recommended option for anyone looking to trade cryptocurrencies, providing a secure and cost-effective trading platform for cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

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User reviews
Martin 12 March 2021

Very convenient.

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