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Coinread Customer Reviews 2021 - CLOSED

Launched: 2020
Expert Review
Dec 11, 2020

Coinread has been designed to help everyone unlock the true potential of cryptocurrency.

For experienced investors, the site is designed to provide up-to-date market data on cryptocurrencies, enabling you to make smarter, more successful decisions using the simple, customizable tools provided.

For those of you that are newly interested in cryptocurrencies, Coinread will provide easily-digestible guides, charts and a glossary, which breaks down complex concepts and answers key questions, building your confidence in identifying opportunities in the space.

Early access to the Coinread site means you get to be part of our journey right from the start.

Other key features that you could experience with early access include:

Individual rankings

  • Organized by the metrics you’re interested in, the data in our rankings system lets you see how your preferred cryptocurrency is performing and means you can keep an eye on any up-and-comers in the market.


  • Our comparison tool allows you to spot market trends with ease and clearly visualize the performance of cryptocurrencies side by side.

Personal Portfolio

  • Keep information on all your crypto investments in one place for faster access and easier performance tracking.

You can sign up for early access here:

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User reviews
Martin Alekseevich 4 March 2021

Decent platform, nice interface

Launched: 2020
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