BITBOX is a Singapore-based cryptocurrency exchange launched in 2018. The team behind this platform is better known for a different project — messaging app LINE. The exchange is not available for the American citizens and doesn't support fiat money yet, but allegedly these problems are going to be addressed in the future. The trading volume is relatively low on BITBOX. By all valuations, this exchange ranks below the 100th position.
تحديث: يبدو أن تبادل CoinMex أغلقت ، وربما الخروج خدع.
يوفر CoinMex الوصول إلى أسواق BTC و ETH و USDT و NEO. تأسست الشركة بموجب تشريعات جمهورية سيشيل في عام 2018 وهي تابعة لشركة NEWEX Technology Co. Ltd. تركز CoinMex على السوق الصينية.