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Cointelegraph is one of the leading independent media resources dedicated to crypto market news. Perhaps any person who has at least once been interested in cryptocurrencies or wanted to know what the distributed registry technology is all about getting into Cointelegraph articles.  Resource Cointelegraph was founded in 2013. Today it is one of the leaders among the media about cryptocurrencies in the media space. The site has grown in the media holding Cointelegraph Media Group, which includes several resources, including TNW, Cryptocoins News, WorldCoinIndex, Coinmarketcap, VentureBeat, Investopedia, Coinspeaker and others. 
كوينكورا هي مؤسسة إعلامية مستقلة تهدف إلى إعلام وتثقيف جميع المتحمسين للعملات المشفرة وبلوكتشين بأحدث الأخبار والتحديثات المتعلقة بالصناعة المذكورة. يوفر المشروع معلومات سليمة وموثوقة من مصادر متعددة لضمان أن تكون جميع الأخبار التي يتلقاها القراء محايدة وموضوعية.
Smartoptions is a news platform with the latest information about trading, exchanges, and cryptocurrency. The service believes after more than 30 years of experience that trading is not a monthly thing and it takes time to make steady returns. More than 96% of the people that say they trade don't have a net positive result year one year. The service believes that everyone should have the best information available to make your investment choice. Smartoptions scouts the market for better options and writes about them so others can join.