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مراجعة LetsExchange 2021 - هل هي آمنة؟

Country: Seychelles
Launched: 2020
Pairs: 40000
Mobile app: -
Grade points: 0.00
Expert Review
Jul 29, 2021

LetsExchange هي خدمة تبادل متعددة العملات وقفة واحدة خالية من التسجيل والحدود والمضاعفات. بنيت من قبل فريق من الرؤى التشفير مع 10+ سنوات من الخبرة في الفضاء blockchain وfintech ، LetsExchange يوفر وقتك في كل خطوة من مبادلة التشفير وتضخيم عائدات التداول الخاصة بك.

Our Score
Functionality 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Security 5 / 5
Support 4 / 5
Fees 4 / 5
Our Score
4.2 / 5
Pros and Cons

Doesn't require registration

RIch set of the supported coins


Easy to use


No fiat money options

Narrow functionality

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User reviews
Mark_Rdz221 1 April 2022

Quise cambiar USDC por LTC, es terrible solo pierdes tu dinero

haizan 25 December 2021

LetsExchange is 100% scam!!!

you will receive nothing they will rip you for shure!!!

JEAN 3 November 2021

What an absolutely TERRIBLE exchange service!! I did everything correctly.. The process has various stages that are flagged up as the exchange proceeds, culminating in the final stage "Exchanging". This spins and spins and spins and spins and the page refreshes every now and then. Nothing happens. I contact their online chat. A nice enough chap called Loren goes away to look at my transaction number, and then comes back on to tell me it will be done in couple HOURS!!! I'll repeat that, couple OF HOURS!!!!! NOW Waiting for almost 3 DAYS , i Contact also the support on email “support [AT] letsexchange” and they answer We'll try to fix everything ASAP. Soory for the delay.
Shameful shoddy, shonky bull!! This is supposed to be crypto. Better than the legacy banking system! Rubbish. Avoid at all costs. I will be back to update my story if I ever get my XMR at the price quoted. I have screenshots from every stage of the process.

UPDATE ; This is the answer from SUPPORT ! Dont use this exchanger right now until it exsit SCAM i will back to update ?.

First of all, I want to apologize on the behalf of our service for such inconvenience.

We contact the liquidity provider every 2-3 hours for the update, but due to the recent updates on the BNB, BSC and lots of other networks they are slammed with deposit and withdrawal requests and they need some time to sort this out.

Me : What monero has to do with bsc or bnb ?

Monero has nothing to do with BNB and BSC networks, but the amount of deposit and withdrawal requests that was caused by the update of these chains led to such delays.

Charon 3 November 2021

Don't waste your time, this is a scam. Took over 1000 from me, they keep saying they are working on it but nothing has changed on the status.

Vladimir 2 November 2021

I requested exchange of KSM to ETH, I paid it and it was confirmed in time, however status of exchange transaction did not change and timer ended.
I contacted support about the problem and they answered that there is some problem and they will contact me as soon as cause of problems is found!!!! Really? I have done everything as I supposed to do on my part, why I should wait on their problems???
Fine, I waited couple hours and contacted them again. They told me that they need to contact their liquidity provider and get response from them. What a joke! Again, what it has to do with me???? After couple hours I contacted them again and they told me that they are fixing issue and I will receive my coins "soon".
So, right now it is 1 day and 17 hours as my KSM transaction have been confirmed, total silence from this exchange and no coins. This is scam exchanger! Do not exchange any coins here! They stole from me around $440, so it looks like that is the price of their exchanger. I have all screenshots of exchange transaction of their website and email conversation with support! I will do everything in my power to stop them scamming people!

EDIT: They just again answered that they liquidity provider has problems with BSC and BNB networks, what KUSAMA has to do with BSC or BNB??? Anyway it is clear that this exchanger does not have their own funds, probably ponzi scheme or some sort of that type of scam. When their "liquidity provider" will have problems, you will not see your funds. Your plans are not important, volatility is not important and customers funds can be frozen anytime for unknown time. That's the position of this "exchanger".

Country: Seychelles
Launched: 2020
Pairs: 40000
Mobile app: -
Grade points: 0.00
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