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مراجعة Crypto Dispensers 2022 - هل هي آمنة؟

Launched: 2017
Mobile app: -
Grade points: 0.00
Expert Review
Feb 19, 2021

تأسست عام 2017, موزعات التشفير هي منصة عملة رقمية حيث يمكن للمستهلكين التعامل مع العملات الرقمية الجديدة مثل بيتكوين ، إثريوم ، و ليتسوان. مقرها في شيكاغو, إلينوي.

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User reviews
Beau saperstein 9 November 2023

That first review is clearly written by the company and is absolute b*******. I found them online and I thought, oh, they're tied to national chains, this should be an easy you know, gimmick to follow through with I set my money and it loaded in the account within about 20 minutes and all of a sudden when I try to purchase the Bitcoin, it feels I've tried multiple addresses and so I sent a support ticket I was told oh. We're having a little issue with our. Bank, so don't worry your money safe. But why don't you go ahead and wire us? $2500? Are you f****** crazy? Why would I trust you with 2500 when I can't trust you? To be honest and do what you say you're gonnvideo I am thoroughly pissed off right now

Carol Johnson 27 June 2023

Cryptodispensers have been moving crazy lately. Their system keep failing and holds peoples money in their wallet. Users are worried if they’re being scammed or not cos their customer service is not picking calls or doing anything to rectify the problem.

Xavier Enrique Rodriguez
23 July 2023
Any update on how to reach them it's been days and I need my money I can't tell if I was scammed or not?
Musah Rashid 12 October 2022

I purchased a Bitcoin from ATM Over a month and there is nothing in my account. Your service is not doing the best

Qwertman 19 February 2021

Instructions on how to use the site are not complete.

Launched: 2017
Mobile app: -
Grade points: 0.00
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