يوفر Coinlim الوصول إلى أسواق BTC و ETH و USDT للتداول. تأسست الشركة من قبل شركة HONG KONG RISE SUCCESS INVESTMENT LTD مع التركيز على السوق الصينية.
يتم دعم منصة Coinlim exchange على كل من عملاء iOS و Android. تم إطلاق الرموز المميزة للمنصة كـ coinlim tokens (CLT).
من وقت لآخر ، تدير Coinlim مسابقات التداول.
قد يتم تطبيق مشروع رمزي للإدراج عن طريق ملء نموذج خاص على الموقع. يتم نشر المعلومات حول القوائم الجديدة بانتظام على القنوات الإعلامية للشركة.
Não caiam nesse golpe, eles realmente congelam o dinheiro e falam para pagar o dobro, tenho medo de pagar o dobro e eles não depositarem meu dinheiro!
Complete scam. I was tricked into this. Now can’t take my money back. They say I’m money laundering which I’m not. They say I have to pay in order to prove my funds 🤣
Why are you all talking about frozen assets? I have been using Coinlim for a year, withdrawing my profits once a month, and my funds have never been frozen.
Total scam. They freeze your funds!!! You can’t withdraw your money.
Nowadays it works as good as usually. I like dashboard of the desktop and mobile version. In addition the ticket service provide full and usefull help in any questions. I appreciate to trade with Coinlim.