يوفر Coinlim الوصول إلى أسواق BTC و ETH و USDT للتداول. تأسست الشركة من قبل شركة HONG KONG RISE SUCCESS INVESTMENT LTD مع التركيز على السوق الصينية.
يتم دعم منصة Coinlim exchange على كل من عملاء iOS و Android. تم إطلاق الرموز المميزة للمنصة كـ coinlim tokens (CLT).
من وقت لآخر ، تدير Coinlim مسابقات التداول.
قد يتم تطبيق مشروع رمزي للإدراج عن طريق ملء نموذج خاص على الموقع. يتم نشر المعلومات حول القوائم الجديدة بانتظام على القنوات الإعلامية للشركة.
I'm Brian. I have lost nearly £10,000 because coinlim froze my account and said I was money laundering. They wanted me to pay another £10,000 to unfreeze my account. Please do not use this site coinlim.net
If anyone has been contacted randomly via messenger, WhatsApp, telegram, or any other messenger service, please do not invest with these con artists. You will lose your money. Avoid at all costs.
Do not use coinlim. They freeze your account and do not allow you to withdraw your money
If I can just stop just 1 person for falling for this scam I will be happy. Do not believe all these fake 5 star reviews, all posted on the same day. To increase the review rating. You will lose all your money. You will not be able to withdraw your money. Any email you get will be from a Gmail account, not from coinlin. PLEASE DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM. I have learnt a very expensive lesson.