يوفر Coinlim الوصول إلى أسواق BTC و ETH و USDT للتداول. تأسست الشركة من قبل شركة HONG KONG RISE SUCCESS INVESTMENT LTD مع التركيز على السوق الصينية.
يتم دعم منصة Coinlim exchange على كل من عملاء iOS و Android. تم إطلاق الرموز المميزة للمنصة كـ coinlim tokens (CLT).
من وقت لآخر ، تدير Coinlim مسابقات التداول.
قد يتم تطبيق مشروع رمزي للإدراج عن طريق ملء نموذج خاص على الموقع. يتم نشر المعلومات حول القوائم الجديدة بانتظام على القنوات الإعلامية للشركة.
I don't understand why anyone would
maliciously slander Coinlim. Is it
competition between industries? I have
been using Coinlim for almost two years
and have been using it without any
problems, I think I will continue to use it in
the future,only after you try it yourself will
you understand
Even if you think you've done enough research and get caught up in cryptocurrencies, you may soon realize that it's not enough. Fortunately, cryptocurrencies are always evolving and adapting. This means you can never stop learning, and as the industry continues to evolve, there will be more and more materials available. Using COINLIM is very much a beginner investment.
How can someone make fun of such a good software, really is what all don't know, I have used for three years, all feel very good.
How can someone make fun of such a good software, really is what all don't know, I have used for three years, all feel very good.
So good software how can someone make malicious ah, do not understand do not talk nonsense, I have used this software for three years.